我得到的回复:We don't officially support covered calls on the platform. You should be able to sell calls but there are higher margin requirements as our system doesn't take into account the other shares in margin calculation for covered calls. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Justin_1 : 解决了吗
MoroseLee 楼主 Justin_1 : 我得到的回复:We don't officially support covered calls on the platform. You should be able to sell calls but there are higher margin requirements as our system doesn't take into account the other shares in margin calculation for covered calls. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Justin_1 MoroseLee 楼主 : 好的 谢谢了 看来还是不怎么好用
MoroseLee 楼主 : 是呀 covered call这么低风险的都没办法做,我还在追问怎么提升option lvl。至少得能主动sell call啊
Justin_1 MoroseLee 楼主 : 想从rh 转出来 看来再看看吧 看看哪个券商好