joybxx : 谢谢!
tehpengsiewdai : Playing in the background now
102945188 楼主 tehpengsiewdai : Ur username….. reminds me that I would need many many tehpengs tomorrow to stay awake @ work STAY STRONG, FELLOW APE!
tehpengsiewdai 102945188 楼主 : 哈哈哈 希望这一切最终都值得!!
joybxx : 谢谢!
tehpengsiewdai : Playing in the background now
102945188 楼主 tehpengsiewdai : Ur username….. reminds me that I would need many many tehpengs tomorrow to stay awake @ work STAY STRONG, FELLOW APE!
tehpengsiewdai 102945188 楼主 : 哈哈哈 希望这一切最终都值得!!