chris from queens
if you just come out and say I'm shorting the position I'd give you just a tad more respect you have none right now from me cuz you're just a coward behind a computer transparency my friend transparency that and being a real person and a good-hearted person will get you a long way you're working for the wrong team hedge funder
fwdj : 只是短暂的通货紧缩![调皮 [调皮]](
let huat tgh : 挤压之前大多有暴跌,只需要保持即可
hedgefunder : 欢迎来到我们只持有 amc xD 的 sv 股票
chris from queens hedgefunder : if you just come out and say I'm shorting the position I'd give you just a tad more respect you have none right now from me cuz you're just a coward behind a computer transparency my friend transparency that and being a real person and a good-hearted person will get you a long way you're working for the wrong team hedge funder![drooling_face 🤤](
![drooling_face 🤤](
![drooling_face 🤤](
hedgefunder chris from queens : 但我没做空?
hedgefunder hedgefunder :
hedgefunder chris from queens : 你们三个月前进入市场的 “shortsqueeze” 交易者都是妄想,一无所知。包括你自己。也许几年后你就会有线索。
chris from queens hedgefunder : 也许我能向你学习... 你不知道我做了多久了。当 BTC 一无所有的时候,我在街上让我的报纸做纸... 祝你好运!恭敬地说。即使是那些在 5 月、6 月、7 月甚至今天来到这里的新朋友,这也是一场运动,既然你似乎都知道,你有没有见过这么多人支持他们喜爱的一只股票。也可能终于到了像我有你一样给对冲起名字 hedgie 的时候你做正确的事情然后存一块砖和迫击炮。生意就是生意但我小时候很喜欢去玩具反斗城你?好吧,对冲基金把它开到地上我可以保证你 AMC 不会去任何地方都是玩游戏恰好也是挤压的最佳人选。如果你不喜欢那你为什么在这里?在自己的专业知识之前为自己赚点钱,而不是发表其他股票评论... 毫无意义... KICK ROCK... 恭敬地。