The rise of vast mining operations has fueled criticism from environmentalists and others that growing use of fossil-fuel electricity for cryptocurrency could waste resources and worsen climate change. A tweet from
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ . Chief Executive
Elon Musk expressing concern over the environmental impact of mining operations briefly caused
$比特币 (BTC.CC)$ prices to fall in May.
Nuclear power, meanwhile, has lost public favor in the wake of accidents such as Japan’s 2011 Fukushima disaster and has struggled to compete economically in the U.S.
比特币矿工, 因其庞大的环境足迹而受到批评正在与拥有多余电力的陷入困境的核电厂所有者建立合作伙伴关系。
这些搭档关系可能有望解决行业面临的关键问题高电力需求的比特币矿工希望 稳定且无碳的电力而面临来自更便宜电源的竞争的核电厂则需要新客户。
Talen Energy Corp. 已与比特币挖矿公司TeraWulf建立合资企业 已与比特币挖矿公司TeraWulf建立合资企业. 核发电机能源Harbor Corp.将为标准电力矿业中心供电 核发电机能源Harbor Corp.将为标准电力矿业中心供电 核发电机能源Harbor Corp.将为标准电力矿业中心供电.
“两个行业的挑战是另一个行业的优势。” 咨询公司ScottMadden Inc的合伙人肖恩·劳里说。 ScottMadden公司.
你对核电工业和加密挖矿有什么看法? 这两个行业都充满了潜力和一些争议。
kats_ : 关于比特币的能耗存在太多误解
jake Nho : Will the price of bitcoin fall sharply?
无情的韭菜 : 本来就是花现实的资源挖垃圾
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