- Just three days after becoming available,$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$has canceled the 0 down payment option it offered in China. The reason is that the 0 down payment plan has led to a surge in orders, making the vehicle delivery time longer, the customer service agent said.
-$Allbirds (BIRD.US)$rose 93% in its trading debut after its initial public offering topped the shoemaker's goals to raise $30300万. Shares of the San Francisco-based company, which sold in the IPO for $15, opened trading Wednesday at $21.21 and briefly rose as much as 116%. The stock closed at $28.89, giving the company a market value of $42亿.
James Bond : $Petros Pharmaceuticals (PTPI.US)$

niza_i : 哈哈哈
treydongui : 只要称他成长为我最喜欢的人之一而且每天都越来越有用谢谢
treydongui : 这篇专栏每周对我的关注越来越多。很快就会成为我的最爱之一继续写这篇精彩的作品谢谢作者
Kim Thuy : 很好
jotan2 : 好的