On the one hand, the step-up in digitalization in our markets, the forming of user behavior to shop online and also sell things from online by more of the especially the small businesses and even the brands are permanent here to stay. Meanwhile, we haven't seen any particular economies being so deeply or permanently impacted by COVID that there is clearly an impact on consumption. And at least from our perspective as a market leader, we continue to grow in our market leadership, especially in our markets, which are generally high-growth markets with low e-commerce penetration, we continue to see long-term growth potential. So on that front, we are quite optimistic about the long-term growth potential of e-commerce.
Mars Mooo : 谢谢 @moo_Earnings 以获取快速摘要。
好吉娃娃旺旺 : 等待好时机
好吉娃娃旺旺 : ???