$新加坡航空公司 (C6L.SG)$ : (华语版在里面) Today is already 12 Dec, and the new Omicron was detected on 25 Nov, it's already more than 2 weeks, no massive death was detected from Omicron so far, although it's very infectious. Dr Fauci yesterday said that Specific Booster Shots May Not Be Needed. Therefore, I think the new Omicron Variant does not pose a serious threat to the nation worldwide. All the world leaders may not tighten air travel from its current situation worldwide and may continue to ease air travel restriction in the coming months ahead. Just my opinion, please trade with caution. All the best to all investors.
今天已经是12月12日了,11月25日发现了新的Omicron,已经有2个多星期了,虽然传染性很强大,但到目前为止Omicron并没有发现任何大规模死亡。 福奇博士Fauci昨天强调说可能不需要特定注射Omicron疫苗。 因此,我认为新的 Omicron Variant 不会给全球带来严重威胁。 世界各国领导人也许不会从目前的航空业继续封锁,反而会在未来的几个月内继续放宽航空业。 这只是我个人看法,请小心交易。 祝所有投资者一切顺利。
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