Musk has previously spoken out against the company outright banning users who break rules, and instead has suggested a "time out." He has said that he would ban only content that is illegal, but he hasn't ruled on whether he would prohibit racism, harassment, and a number of other objectionable subjects.
ChefWill : 狗狗币
KingNY-Life ChefWill : 是的,狗狗币会在推特上广泛使用,影响力会越来越大,是一个100倍的机会
Spi11 The Tea 楼主 ChefWill : 推特同意埃隆·马斯克的收购协议后,狗狗币上涨了20%以上
KingNY-Life Spi11 The Tea 楼主 : 10-15元
plucky Kangaroo1 : 我个人为你鼓掌,很简单,因为!未来非常重要!这意味着人民的结果很重要!!我相信那个人!
JNoe : Wok坏了,希望Elon能修好它
old john : 希望成为真正意义上的言论自由平台。
Revelation 6 : ….他似乎总是知道自己在做什么他可能不是为了赚钱而购买它,但他肯定会的。他情不自禁。我希望我也有这样的问题。