Milk The Cow : Any SGD OR USD commission card? Does HKD commission card applied to sgx & US market?If so, do we received the respectively amount in the market currency we trade in, the rebate ?
JKHU Milk The Cow : 哈哈我不买港股
103108651 : 我要么让美国上台要么犯罪...
YJ102740842 : 我可以在奖励俱乐部有股票代金券吗?
Milk The Cow JKHU :
Aiden的韭菜日记4500 : 没用的
Aiden的韭菜日记4500 : 还不如来点实物实在
103108651 : 请购买SG或美股代金券!
mywealthdiaries : 请给我美股优惠券/代金券!
Sean L : 请给我一张美国委员会卡
Milk The Cow : Any SGD OR USD commission card?![疑问 [疑问]](
& US
Does HKD commission card applied to sgx
If so, do we received the respectively amount in the market currency we trade in, the rebate
JKHU Milk The Cow : 哈哈我不买港股
103108651 : 我要么让美国上台要么犯罪...
YJ102740842 : 我可以在奖励俱乐部有股票代金券吗?
Milk The Cow JKHU :
Aiden的韭菜日记4500 : 没用的
Aiden的韭菜日记4500 : 还不如来点实物实在
103108651 : 请购买SG或美股代金券!
mywealthdiaries : 请给我美股优惠券/代金券!
Sean L : 请给我一张美国委员会卡