•$慧与科技 (HPE.US)$巴克莱分析师tim Long降低了the firm's price target on HP Enterprise to$19 from $20Long在一份研究笔记中告诉投资者。然而,由于更高的客户流失率、更低的拓展率和销售人员流失,云服务年度重复收入未达预期,分析师补充道。Overweightrating on the shares. The company missed Q2 revenue and earnings estimates, mainly on delayed HPC revenue acceptance, Long tells investors in a research note. It also lowered full year earnings expectations to account for Russia and currency headwinds. Despite continued strong 20% order growth and demand trends. HP Enterprise's inability to convert to revenue from backlog is concerning, says the analyst.
•$MongoDB (MDB.US)$Barclays analyst Raimo Lenschow提出the firm's price target on MongoDb to$338 from $330Long在一份研究笔记中告诉投资者。然而,由于更高的客户流失率、更低的拓展率和销售人员流失,云服务年度重复收入未达预期,分析师补充道。Overweightrating on the shares following last night s results. The analyst believes the new guidance clarity should be rewarded and says MongoDb deserves a premium valuation.
•$美国同意房地产公司 (ADC.US)$美银分析师Joshua Dennerlein升级Agree Realty to买入with a price target of $78, up from $76.分析师认为,在市场专注于货币收紧和经济衰退风险上升的背景下,“更具防御性”净租赁房地产投资信托将表现优异。此外,Agree Realty最近“主动性地进行的股本增发降低了其资本市场风险,正如之前报道的那样。
•$Starry Group (STRY.US)$高盛分析师Brett Feldman降级转为Starry(星光)中立从买入转为不变的目标价为9美元代表着负9%的总回报潜力。该分析师指出,根据最近的表现,估值是下调的原因,称该股票现在的交易价格高于面向消费者增长潜力高的订阅同行业,相对于增长的多寡来看。他认为在短期内扩张空间有限。此外,Starry将在2023年第一季度需要额外的资金来为其业务提供资金,这可能进一步限制多个扩张,Feldman在一份研究报告中告诉投资者。
•$标普全球 (SPGI.US)$RBC资本分析师Ashish Sabadra降低了对S&P Global的目标价格从$540调低至$434但保持了Outperformrating on the shares. The company's lowered ratings revenue expectations should reset estimates lower but will likely be the last cut to FY22 guidance, the analyst tells investors in a research note. Sabadra adds that while issuance has likely troughed in May. it should improve given strong issuer pipeline and normalizing high-yield spreads.
Twotimes22 : 好的
Huat2023 : 向上
AlexCarpSucksC0ck : 纳斯达克上涨但这个他妈的一直在走低