The bad "News" timing was meant to take your shares from you not to inform you, now china is adding money (146B) to stimulate the economy, and BABA is introducing new material. BOOm
BABAalready broke out, if you didn't know, it will probably pull back before open then explode up again -but we have broke out the gate
Buffalo : 你认为 Baba Dragon 在明天底或下周之前会继续突破天堂之门超过 100 大关吗?
iamiam 楼主 Buffalo : 是的,我想我们今天可能会 narsai 100(不是待在那里而是到达那里)
Mike Obama :
102619512 : 能卖出什么价格?
warrior-sailormoon : 谢谢你 iamiam
iamiam 楼主 102619512 : 卖什么?
iamiam 楼主 :
sayno : 谢谢你,阿米亚姆![爱心 [爱心]](
Buffalo iamiam 楼主 : 你说得太对了。龙终于攻破了100道天门。它能持续多久?
iamiam 楼主 Buffalo : 有一段时间,我们有150-160的机会,但120几乎是锁定的