Even t-bills that all these YouTubers are sharing isNOt 100% guaranteed to make money. Government can default, and many had defaulted before. So it is not 100% guaranteed.
On top of that, have you experience that the t-bill yield isn't as good as expected, even though interest rate is going higher and higher? Well that is because the more people know about it, the more competition there is, and everyone undercuts everyone so yield gets lower, so everyone buying loses a little.
Think about it. If you found a gold mine, will you run up to strangers to tell everyone about it, so everyone can go snatch the gold? Probably not right? You would either keep it a secret and mine all the gold yourself, or sell the mine to someone, or hire miners to mine it. No one of the right mind will tell anyone about it for free.
3. Keepabreast of scam As the scammers evolves, we need to keep ourselves updated on new scams from reliable sources, such as Plain Bagel (a real financial advisor) or Coffeezilla (an investigative journalist). They had reported many crypto scams before, even big one like FTX a few months before their collapse (加密货币首席执行官无意中描述了庞氏骗局).
patricklowck123 : 好建议
Moomoo Lily : 嗨,非常感谢您的输入。真的很棒! 关于你的建议,第一点,莉莉将向相关部门的同事提供反馈,看看我们能在这里做什么。第二点,目前Moomoo 拥有可以检测更多违规者的IT技术,我们希望每个人都能帮助举报更多被发现的案件。
doctorpot1 楼主 Moomoo Lily : 谢谢 Lily,我们还将尽最大努力继续举报,以便尽可能多地拯救更多人
MooPM_ico : 感谢您的建议。我们将更多地关注这些骗子。
doctorpot1 楼主 MooPM_ico : 谢谢 所有没有给骗子的钱,都是我们所有人都可以用来投资的钱
Milk The Cow : 不管我怎么看,我认为骗子一旦被抓获并被判有罪,就应该被处决 。
他们正在做一些我认为对自己的利益不利的事情,没有任何风险 ?低犯罪后果,对我来说不是 ,他们必须为此付出代价。
不会向他们要求的 ,只有他们的生命足以作为一堂课 .
Milk The Cow : 我认为 moomoo ID 可以追踪到他们的国民身份证,剩下要做的就是将这些信息传递给警方/当局,以便在受害者提供证据后采取行动 .
doctorpot1 楼主 Milk The Cow : 没有交易或账户徽章的moo moo用户可以通过电子邮件或电话开设账户。所以在与确定的用户交谈时要小心。
江南公子 doctorpot1 楼主 : 无论是谁开了账户,都要先和你的朋友核实。
doctorpot1 楼主 江南公子 : mm 在这个互联网时代,最好不要轻易相信任何东西... 甚至还有看起来很真实的深度虚假视频