在短期内,雪佛龙首席执行官Mike Wirth表示Mike Wirtah表示Mike Wirtah表示the tightening of supply and decreasing inventories will drive oil prices to soon exceed $100 per barrel.
摩根大通analyst Christyan Malek believes that oil prices may fluctuate between $90 and $100 in the short term, and hover around $80 in the long term.
ANZ Researchanalysts have stated that strong demand and ongoing supply restrictions may tighten the oil market over the next two to three quarters.
Morgan Stanley'sresearch report raised its quarterly forecasts for Brent crude oil prices in 2023 and 2024 on September 20th, indicating that Saudi Arabia and Russia's continuous production cuts直到2024年,可能进一步支撑油价该华尔街银行在一份报告中表示,供需缺口将使油价保持目前水平,但指出100美元/桶以上的价格似乎过高。