2024年4月对我的投资组合来说是一个非凡的月份,以微弱的优势击败了 $恒生指数 (800000.HK)$ 不过,它超过了主要的基准指数,如 $SPDR 标普500指数ETF (SPY.US)$ 和 $富时新加坡海峡指数 (.STI.SG)$.
这种表现背后的主要原因之一是中国市场的久违的反弹。经历了3年的动荡崩盘后,就像看到一只凤凰从灰烬中崛起 。天哪,这确实对我的投资组合产生了巨大的影响!希望这次中国股市的反弹标志着一个真正的牛市的开始,而不只是又一个虚假警报
尽管我的大部分收益都来自于持有股票,但我也做了一些操作来增加乐趣。我滚动了一份 $Sea (SE.US)$ 通过卖出看涨期权来获取更多利润,同时买入 $ContextLogic (WISH.US)$的并购价值差距(但总体上我仍然遭受了 741.50美元的损失 于 $ContextLogic (WISH.US)$ ).
我的投资组合中四月份涨幅超过10%的美国股票: $富途控股 (FUTU.US)$, $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$, $哔哩哔哩 (BILI.US)$, $Sea (SE.US)$, $DiDi Global Inc (DIDIY.US)$
主动交易1: 滚动看涨认购股票
The first trade was a simple roll of a covered call. Basically, I just extended the expiration date of an existing covered CALL to earn some extra cash. It's a strategy I've been using to generate a bit of additional income without too much hassle. Back in late January, I bought some $Sea (SE.US)$ shares at $35.95 each, just before they unexpectedly shot up in value. To hedge my bets and try to bring down my cost basis, I sold some covered calls on those shares.
In April. I've decided to roll my $46 covered CALLs into $48 covered CALLs. What does that mean? Well, I'm extending the deadline for when I will be forced to sell my shares at that price, and also increasing the final selling price to $48. It's a move aimed to make some extra money from the initial trade.
I want to keep rolling this CALL up until it reaches a strike price of $66. It will take a lot of time to get there, but I'm patient and optimistic. Now, here's why I love this strategy: every time I roll over the call, I'm pocketing a bit of extra profit from what's known as the time value. It's like adding a delicious cherry on top of my investment cake – simple, satisfying, and oh-so-rewarding.
Active trade 2: ContextLogic value gap
The second trade I made was quite the adventure, it is all about seizing an opportunity in the value gap within an buyout deal. $ContextLogic (WISH.US)$, the parent company of Wish, had struck a deal to sell its assets and liabilities to e-commerce giant $Coupang (CPNG.US)$. The terms were set at $6.50 per share in cash. However, what really piqued my interest was the potential hidden value lying within ContextLogic's assets, particularly its substantial net operating loss of $27亿, which could significantly reduce future tax liabilities.
总的来说,我与ContextLogic的旅程是一段过山车般的经历。我仍然 承担着741.50美元的亏损,在2022年加入炒作时并没有进行太多的尽职调查。幸运的是,通过出售覆盖CALL期权,我设法补回了一部分亏损。不过,对于这次交易,我希望它能够帮助我从亏损转为盈利。为了更美好的未来! !
免责声明:社区由Moomoo Technologies Inc.提供,仅用于教育目的。
MonkeyGee : 如果有人知道 doctorpot 就知道了。过去几天 Didiy 怎么了?自动收银机无法正常打开。
doctorpot1 楼主 MonkeyGee : 从退市低点算起 4 倍还不错 与 HST 比较时,最近的模式大致相同... 所以看来只是中国人的普遍情绪或者
MonkeyGee doctorpot1 楼主 : 它的表现比大多数标准普尔股票都要好。Didiy 的股票图案与 LUCKIN 咖啡相同,而且 LUCKIN 仍然很热。
doctorpot1 楼主 MonkeyGee : 我还在等着香港上市哈哈哈哈 但可能要过几年因为市场不太好,清单也不会赚到好钱