"For most people, Elon's politics wouldn't be an issue, but when people who have purchased are trying to disassociate that says something. Would that person really want to buy another one?" said Ivan Drury, an automotive analyst for Edmunds.
"It could be the thing that pushes someone over the edge who's a little on the fence," he added. "Do they really want to get wrapped up in that when there's competent competition?"
RDK79 : 复杂..
- 难以保持购买步伐。
- 经济放缓。
- 加州疯狂的电费上涨,电动汽车激励措施减少!!!!
- 驾驶高速公交车道的总BS管理要求!!!!!
- 加州支持电动汽车,支持气候变化,反对重罪犯和反民主政治家。伊隆支持这些事业对特斯拉毫无帮助!!!
- 加州政治的声誉不佳,更多的白痴正在使情况变得更糟。