As a Moomoo user one should know that on the mobile app, it provides tons of features allowing new beginner to season veterans to make full use of the features and functions provided. You could literally do almost everything on the app.
In this post, I will be share some of the features I used most often in the Moomoo mobile app for me to keep track of my portfolio whenever I go after using the app for 3 years.
1) –Custom Watchlist
Do you know you can create custom watchlist for stocks and group them according to the way you wanted it to be?
First Click on the 3 lines on the right side of the corner to bring out the watchlist popout
102389081 : 真是个了不起的帖子!
mr_cashcow : 所有信息都非常有用!
Dalvintan : 非常有用
sociable Dingo_8604 : 太棒了! 很有用的信息
105424759 : 太棒了!谢谢
bubbleberrygum : 连续增长和高收益股息是什么意思?是指高股息公司与低股息但高增长的公司吗?哈哈谢谢
bubbleberrygum : 干得不错,Brian!对这个进行了相当多的研究吧?信息好多啊哈哈。 @Meta Moo 这里有一篇很好的发帖,总结了moomoo应用程序的一些有用功能呢!
103698897 Coco 小白 : 谢谢你的解释
BH_6730 : 哇... 写得好一定花了你很多时间
LL_9542 : 需要消化,所以保存并稍后继续