72571364 : since the squeeze in 2021
Bray 楼主 APE4life_J : you coming at me? for what?
APE4life_J Bray 楼主 : Not you homie with the number on the name
Bray 楼主 : dang. ape4life blocked me what a sensitive guy. I'm on the same side and still somehow offended this guy
Revelation 6 Bray 楼主 : It’s not what you say, but how you say it.
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : dead flat more like dead
Bray 楼主 Revelation 6 : it's text there's literally no inflection or emotion to any statement. it's all on how you perceive it.
Revelation 6 Bray 楼主 : Write it differently.
Bray 楼主 Revelation 6 : yall should cry more
72571364 : since the squeeze in 2021
Bray 楼主 APE4life_J : you coming at me? for what?
APE4life_J Bray 楼主 : Not you homie with the number on the name
Bray 楼主 : dang. ape4life blocked me what a sensitive guy. I'm on the same side and still somehow offended this guy
Revelation 6 Bray 楼主 : It’s not what you say, but how you say it.
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : dead flat more like dead
Bray 楼主 Revelation 6 : it's text there's literally no inflection or emotion to any statement. it's all on how you perceive it.
Revelation 6 Bray 楼主 : Write it differently.
Bray 楼主 Revelation 6 : yall should cry more