We stand by ALL of our allies, but despots like Israel’s Netenyahu, have got to go,… otherwise they should prepare themselves to defend themselves militarily and financially ALONE if they choose to support Fascists like Netanyahu and HIS Genocidal agenda, DOING THE EXACt SAME THING to the civilian Gaza population that Hitler did to the Jews in WWII necessitating them to flee to Israel to escape their own unwarranted genocidal persecution
Tonyco : 我基本同意你所说的话。美国需要从那里获得更多信息。人们普遍认为,以色列是一个被敌对分子包围的岛屿,他们只需要自卫即可。但是,你看得越深,读到的报道越开放,表明以色列更像对手。“先发制人” 打击和类似恐怖分子的袭击,似乎不考虑人员伤亡。这么多平民被杀害...内塔尼亚胡肯定需要离开。
JOHN AVATAR : 美国正在测试国防科技,所以 伊朗伊斯兰领导人必须下台 10 月 7 日以色列领导层确实让人民失望了
KaalBhairav : 伊朗总理应该去... 没用的家伙... 搅局面