每日灵修 – 2024 年 8 月 31 日
作者:Tim Dilena
那关于个人失败的问题呢?这就是我们在马太福音 17 章中发现的。门徒们在他们被赋予权力去做的事情上失败了,他们不知道为什么会失败。他们曾试图治愈一个年轻人的儿子,但没有成功,于是那个男人带着他的儿子来到耶稣面前。“耶稣斥责那鬼,鬼就从他身上出来了,那孩子立刻就好了。那时门徒暗暗地来到耶稣面前,说:‘我们为什么不能赶出那鬼呢?’耶稣对他们说:‘因为你们的信心小。我实在告诉你们,你们若有信心像一粒芥菜种,就是对这座山说:‘你从这边挪到那边’,它也必挪去,并且你们没有不能作的事了。’” (马太福音 17:18-20,ESV)。
在底特律市中心教会担任牧师三十年后,蒂姆牧师在纽约市布鲁克林会堂服务了五年,并在路易斯安那州拉斐特担任牧师五年。他于 2020 年 5 月成为时代广场教会的资深牧师。
DAILY DEVOTIONAL – August 31, 2024
When We Ask God Why
By Tim Dilena
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If you had a chance to ask God a ‘why?’ question, what would you ask him? Why did this bad thing happen to me? Why did my mom pass away?
How about a personal failure question? That’s what we find in Matthew 17. The disciples failed at something they were empowered to do and did not know why they’d failed. They had tried to heal a young man’s boy and were unable, so the man brought his son to Jesus. “And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him, and the boy was healed instantly. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, ‘Why could we not cast it out?’ He said to them, ‘Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.’” (Matthew 17:18-20, ESV).
I love that the disciples asked their question. People don’t do this today when they finish a task. It’s rare to find someone asking for critique to get better. We live in a culture that will blame others but not inspect ourselves.
Jesus’s answer to the disciples is astounding and multi-layered. The big issue, Jesus said, is faith; then he tells them (and us) what can get mustard seed sized faith kick-started: prayer and fasting. Track with me here. Fasting is not a hunger strike to get God’s attention. Fasting creates space for God. To make a meal during the disciples’ time period was not going to Whole Foods or Costco; it was an all-day affair that involved killing an animal and cooking it. Fasting meant creating space to pray and hear from God.
When someone fasts, they are giving God more time, and when you get more time with God, trust me, God gets bigger in your life. That’s why I believe that you can fast from many different types of things and not just food — social media, television, certain activities — and create space for prayer.
The way you get a grain of faith is by praying and fasting. A private ‘why’ not only helped the disciples but also gave us great insight for when we need some movement on things that won’t budge.
After pastoring an inner-city congregation in Detroit for thirty years, Pastor Tim served at Brooklyn Tabernacle in NYC for five years and pastored in Lafayette, Louisiana, for five years. He became Senior Pastor of Times Square Church in May of 2020.