102582901 : 结果好吗?
Moo mom 102582901 : 非常好
isolde Moo mom : 我也对他们强劲的现金流感到满意。这带走了稀释的风险。现在价格走势也看起来很不错
10baggerbamm 102582901 : does it really matter is the question the revenues miss guidance and they lost money versus making money so technically they were shit but the stocks up almost two bucks so that's all it really matters right?
poormansadamsandler 10baggerbamm : 它击败了预期营业收入3百万美元,彭卓AI文章是错误的
poormansadamsandler poormansadamsandler : 8 英里*
102582901 : 结果好吗?
Moo mom 102582901 : 非常好
isolde Moo mom : 我也对他们强劲的现金流感到满意。这带走了稀释的风险。现在价格走势也看起来很不错
10baggerbamm 102582901 : does it really matter is the question the revenues miss guidance and they lost money versus making money so technically they were shit but the stocks up almost two bucks so that's all it really matters right?
poormansadamsandler 10baggerbamm : 它击败了预期营业收入3百万美元,彭卓AI文章是错误的
poormansadamsandler poormansadamsandler : 8 英里*