中国股票 下跌了1.4%,而离岸人民币跌破7.26,降至近四个月低点。 down over 200 points for the week.
In macro trends, U.S. PMI data exceeded expectations, with the 2-year Treasury yield approaching a three-month high, 不断上涨的生活成本。 for five consecutive weeks. The dollar index hit a two-year 高. Eurozone PMI underperformed, dragging the euro down over 1% intraday to a two-year 低黄金 接近10万美元,创下另一记录。
wti原油 上涨超过6% 在本周上涨,标志着七周以来表现最佳。 黄金 climbed over 1%,收复每盎司2700美元,创下18个月以来最佳周表现, 上涨超过5%.