●Stock Market Sells Off in Afternoon Trading Due to Rising Tensions in Middle East
●Bursa Malaysia Energy Stocks Close Mixed on Escalating Middle East Tensions
●Foreign Investors Continue to Sell Bursa Malaysia Equities for Seventh Consecutive Week
●Stocks to watch: Capital A, YNH Property
-moomoo 资讯 MY
Indexes opened positively after an Iranian strike on Israel failed to cause widespread damage, but the stock market sold off significantly in the afternoon following news that Israel would respond soon. This led to investors pulling back, with Treasury yields increasing by nearly 5% while the market sank. The$标普500指数 (.SPX.US)$下跌了1.20%,$道琼斯指数 (.DJI.US)$下跌0.65%,$纳斯达克综合指数 (.IXIC.US)$公路运输燃料币下跌了1.79%,这是中东地区紧张局势升级的结果。
马来西亚交易所上市的能源股周一收盘走势不一,尽管最初连续第三日上涨,能源指数试图创下新的三年高点。该指数跟踪22只石油和天然气股,最多上涨了1.7%,但最终变红并收跌0.27%。以市值计最大的能源股Dialog Group Bhd收盘价为每股2.30令吉,下跌了0.86%。穆迪分析警告称,由于中东地区的紧张局势,石油价格可能再增加每桶5美元的风险溢价,升至每桶95美元。然而,冲突升级可能导致石油价格跃升至100美元以上。
$IRIS (0010.MY)$Iris Corp宣布终止出售其全资子公司Iris Information Technology Systems Sdn Bhd(IITS)80%股权的交易,该子公司曾是开发11.6亿令吉全国综合移民系统(NIISe)项目的前开发商,以7千万令吉现金交易。协议在买家Tass Tech Technologies Sdn Bhd(TTTSB)未能支付交易处分价款的第二笔款项后被终止。IITS在家庭部因未能按照项目规划进度完成该项目而在去年8月被终止,失去11.6亿令吉的开发合约。