$M&G (5078.MY)$:Marine & General Bhd has offloaded its vessel, Jm Sutera 7, to Narsimhaa Shipping Inc for US$580万 (RM2720万) through its wholly-owned subsidiary, TKH Marine (L) Ltd. The sale, agreed upon by both willing buyer and seller,enables the marine support services provider to recoup its original investment in the 2018 acquisition. The proceeds will be channeled into modernizing the group's fleet, with the aim of improving service delivery to its customers.
$BPURI (5932.MY)$:Bina Puri Holdings Bhd, which saw its share price more than double earlier this year, experienceda sharp decline of up to 15.79%, hitting eight sen on Tuesday. This drop came in the wake of the company's announcement to generate up to RM7562万 through a private placement, coinciding with a share consolidation strategy that merges every five shares into one. Despite being in the red, the construction firm emerged as马来西亚交易量最大的股票之一,成交量高达9569万股—远高于其200日均值796万股。
$SSF (0287.MY)$:SSF Home Group Bhd在截至2023年10月31日的Q2面临了364万令吉的净亏损,这是自上市以来的首次,主要是因为320万令吉的一次性上市成本。该零售商的营业收入为3123万令吉,由于这是他们的首份财务报告,没有年度数据。亏损在上一季度的265万令吉利润和3931万令吉营业收入之后,表明销售额下降20%。亏损在上一季度的265万令吉利润和3931万令吉营业收入之后,表明销售额下降20%。亏损在上一季度的265万令吉利润和3931万令吉营业收入之后,表明销售额下降20%。
Jay Cin : 不错
善良的魔鬼 : 很好