151364853 : Patent is worthless
WeiTheSaint469 : Finally movement
Trytosaveabit 楼主 151364853 : Hehehe! Yeah SHPH got a great move from a patent issue yesterday! Many patents do! Some don’t! But ok GL hehehe
Trytosaveabit 楼主 WeiTheSaint469 : Indeed! But I’m Leary of how long before SS’s hammer it?
WeiTheSaint469 Trytosaveabit 楼主 : well now ..
151364853 : Patent is worthless
WeiTheSaint469 : Finally movement
Trytosaveabit 楼主 151364853 : Hehehe! Yeah SHPH got a great move from a patent issue yesterday! Many patents do! Some don’t! But ok GL hehehe
Trytosaveabit 楼主 WeiTheSaint469 : Indeed! But I’m Leary of how long before SS’s hammer it?
WeiTheSaint469 Trytosaveabit 楼主 : well now ..