Although no one reallt talks about this, I think it is really useful to share with you, that sometimes looking at the inverse ETF (x1) of the underlying stock chart is useful in some occasions.
if you believe that the current Nvidia is experiencing the major pull back then you have to be ready for the major pull back which on this chart will be at the price level closer to the top ichimoku cloud (green), which in real underlying stock is equibalent to somewhere 115-120.
Bulldozer : 昨天它触及了126.60
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) 楼主 Bulldozer : 感谢更正,我已对帖子进行了调整,抱歉,谢谢您的提醒
晴瓦林 : 不要理会这个,等待看好形势。因为目前买入看涨或卖出看跌都很危险。
Bulldozer 晴瓦林 : 然后买入一个传播,就像大多数人那样
Maniac Fool : 我一直说127,事情就成真了。
韦菲特 : 你认为它会触及140吗?
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) 楼主 Maniac Fool : 是的,压力位是116...预料最坏的情况,你就会有所准备。
Maniac Fool ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) 楼主 : 我的空单可以在随后的买入中顺利关闭
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) 楼主 Maniac Fool : 也许可能