Stockworld newbie 楼主 : Am still holding my shares at $792 I don’t know how to interpret this whole situation.. someone help me !!!
Kaihengg Stockworld newbie 楼主 : cut loss if need to do so
HSC_hipot : No worries…AI will fly again in three years.
Heng Zheng Stockworld newbie 楼主 : cut loss
kiki stock Stockworld newbie 楼主 : Me too man I feel you
To the m∞n : Cut loss and buy put and u will recover back ur loss
151865453 Heng Zheng : Don’t know why just don’t like your name
dkm01 : few months back I was holding this for 940 then I closed it for 918 with some loss. now I think it's a good decision.
Stockworld newbie 楼主 : Am still holding my shares at $792
I don’t know how to interpret this whole situation.. someone help me !!!
Kaihengg Stockworld newbie 楼主 : cut loss if need to do so
HSC_hipot : No worries…AI will fly again in three years.
Heng Zheng Stockworld newbie 楼主 : cut loss
kiki stock Stockworld newbie 楼主 : Me too man I feel you
To the m∞n : Cut loss and buy put and u will recover back ur loss
151865453 Heng Zheng : Don’t know why just don’t like your name
dkm01 : few months back I was holding this for 940 then I closed it for 918 with some loss. now I think it's a good decision.