🚀 资本收益:These stocks generally belong to companies that reinvest their profits into expansion, innovation, or acquisitions, resulting in increased share prices. Capital gains are realized when you sell the stock at a price higher than what you paid.
这是为谁准备的?: Young guns (20s-40s) who’ve got time to take risks, looking for增长and wait for the big payoff.
Space Dust : 尝试玩买入有上涨的股息股。
Capital Gains : 我甚至不应该回答,哈哈
Powdahound Space Dust : 我试图抓住股票的上涨。如果能找到支付一次特别股息的股票,可能会比股息更好。
Bear Bear Craig 楼主 Space Dust : 什么是股息收割和股息捕获策略?
SnowVested : 另一个。
股息股票- .US 或 .AU /100% 阳光普照
作为澳大利亚人,我看到来自.US 的股息支付前景要好得多,季度支付优于.AU 的半年度支付.. 但阳光普照意味着税收优惠.. 令人遗憾的是,仍远低于美国市场
SnowVested : 但是我下来评论 '年轻枪手'20-40岁的人。 总是要求更多
Bear Bear Craig 楼主 SnowVested : 感谢分享!继续加油 :)