至于人工智能展览,当我看到人工智能的动作时,我首先想到的是不行超级充电网络, Musk also said that it would "永远不要成为一个盈利中心特斯拉。
Musk always said that the charging network's goal was to be a service for Tesla owners, and now non-Tesla owners, with the goal ofrevisiting revenue to grow the network's capacity.
Over the last two quarters, Tesla's profits from"services and others" have surged.
For the过去几年,特斯拉的服务和其他业务只是略微盈利,这与马斯克先前表明的策略一致,但在这方面发生了一些变化。。
Rock5 : 谢谢。我只是在想那个。上帝知道他根本没在卖任何汽车!!
bullrider_21 楼主 Rock5 : np.
Lnova : 收益的透明度对上市公司很重要