Apart from the three bullish block trades, there was one bearish position in which the seller wrote 4,000 call options giving the holder the right to buy a combined 400,000 Tesla shares at $180, also by Sept. 20, the same expiration date as the other three trades. The seller stands to collect a premium of $844万 for those options.
White_Shadow : 特斯拉处于熊市中,不属于Magnificent 7了,埃隆控制权太大了,将公司引向了错误的方向
Censorship here White_Shadow : 那是你的看法。
White_Shadow Censorship here : 事实
Space Dust : Elon... '忘记汽车了'。“ 机器人看”
Censorship here White_Shadow : 你的观点的事实
White_Shadow Censorship here : 数据显示的事实
White_Shadow Space Dust : 完全同意,我喜欢特斯拉未来的前景,但在 Robo Taxis 或其他机器人出现颠覆之前,我会把钱从埃隆的手中夺走
Censorship here White_Shadow : 显示所谓的数据...
Tonyco Censorship here : 你读了最后一段对吗?有你的数据
White_Shadow Tonyco : 不管你说什么,你们什么都知道 rt