Mag-7 Q2财报喜忧参半:能否再次提振市场?
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$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tes...

$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however there's a lot of serious flaws that are to me a deal breaker. the Gap distance very significantly on the body panels you feel them they're a millimeter to 2 mm off and the finish on the stainless steel you can feel the roughness and I took pictures to show you. it reminds me more of a 1970s GM vehicle than anything close to what Lexus produces today for example
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ I'm at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut at the Tesla store looking at a foundation series cybertruck. it looks really cool from a distance however the...
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浏览 1.4万
  • 10baggerbamm 楼主 : 车轴上他妈的生锈怎么回事他们需要粉末喷涂这就像对细节的关注对我来说是个大问题,我没想到特斯拉会有这样的情况

  • 10baggerbamm 楼主 : 它看起来很神奇它像飞蛾一样把你吸引到明亮的灯光下,但是 Gap 距离对我来说是个问题,我没想到埃隆·马斯克会这样做... 他说特斯拉卡车、网络卡车很难纠正间隙,那还是不对的。如果你去雷克萨斯的任何展厅看看任何其他车辆,无论价格如何,差距都在微米以内,因为从左到右的距离都在微米以内以及使用网络卡车从北到南的高度,在以下情况下,您可以感觉到齐平表面之间大约一毫米到两毫米的距离你握手我很失望因为对我来说埃隆·马斯克是个完美主义者,我很难相信他会发布这样还没有达到完美水平的东西

  • 10baggerbamm 楼主 10baggerbamm 楼主 :

  • 10baggerbamm 楼主 :

  • 特斯拉小新 : 第一辆就太完美 第二辆就不能有问题了

  • 10baggerbamm 楼主 : 日本人有个词叫做 kaizan 意思是追求完美。本田、丰田已将其作为其公司努力的推动力。我是股东我和其他数百万人钦佩埃隆·马斯克是一个世纪以来的一位有远见的人,但是,要想完美地完善不锈钢的缝隙,网络卡车还有很长的路要走。大多数人可能不会接受它,但我是一个注重细节的?$#@$。我看到的最好的细节并不是所有事情都是正确的。

  • 10baggerbamm 楼主 10baggerbamm 楼主 : 很久以前,我的邻居有一辆 DeLorean,我会根据自己的亲身经历告诉你,delorean 上的缝隙与水平和垂直距离的距离都优于网络卡车。更不用说我从未在 DeLorean 上看到任何钢边上的磨损痕迹了

  • 10baggerbamm 楼主 10baggerbamm 楼主 : 所以你知道第一张照片是左后轮,第二张照片是左前轮,右边完全一样。

  • 10baggerbamm 楼主 10baggerbamm 楼主 : 那是左门内部面板红色的小管道被照亮了很酷。这辆车可能已经有一千人打开车门触摸车身外侧的内饰然后你可以看到内门板上的白色上有人们手指上的污垢。对我来说,这没什么大不了的,因为与拥有车相比,你与车辆的接触永远不会那么多。一千++ 陌生人随机走动坐在里面他们手里拿着奶昔接下来他们就吃了炸薯条门 Johnny 会发射火箭,手指上有油脂之类的东西。话虽如此,你可以看到它变脏了,但我要低估这一点,因为同样,普通车主永远不会像随机走进来坐在里面触摸它那样对车辆缺乏关注

  • ひな☆彡 SOXL : 这辆车对我来说看起来不太好... 但这只是个人品味。  


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