It could be? For whatever reason sometimes a ticker change will cause a huge run? But the key word here is SOMETIMES! No way to know for sure.
楼主McNugget Eater
And your point?? I can pick out CHAA that switched to CGBS and went from 11 to 55 and 45 days later it’s .38. I didn’t say it was going to do anything! I said it could do something! Some do some don’t! So I said let’s watch to see. We can all pick examples to fit what we want! But I look at both and say it possibly could move? KEY WORD POSSIBLY! Not it will! Not it won’t! Just that it could? As some have! But I do appreciate your one sided insight! GL
You’re welcome! Anything for you Darlin🩷 Hehehe. Hope you’re having a good day. Looks like it’s going to get wet there again? Has been here off and on now for about 48+ hours!
最强散户陈桂林 : 这个是个机会吗 师傅
Trytosaveabit 楼主 最强散户陈桂林 : It could be? For whatever reason sometimes a ticker change will cause a huge run? But the key word here is SOMETIMES! No way to know for sure.
McNugget Eater Trytosaveabit 楼主 : DPW changed to NILE which changed to AULT which is changing to GPUS…. Now YOU tell ME, which way did it run???
Trytosaveabit 楼主 McNugget Eater : And your point?? I can pick out CHAA that switched to CGBS and went from 11 to 55 and 45 days later it’s .38. I didn’t say it was going to do anything! I said it could do something! Some do some don’t! So I said let’s watch to see. We can all pick examples to fit what we want! But I look at both and say it possibly could move? KEY WORD POSSIBLY! Not it will! Not it won’t! Just that it could? As some have! But I do appreciate your one sided insight! GL
Lnova : thank you for the heads up
Trytosaveabit 楼主 Lnova : You’re welcome! Anything for you Darlin🩷 Hehehe. Hope you’re having a good day. Looks like it’s going to get wet there again? Has been here off and on now for about 48+ hours!
Lnova Trytosaveabit 楼主 : Thanks I hope you’re having a good day too, and that you have a good weekend
Trytosaveabit 楼主 Lnova : Thank you Darlin. Not great yet. But It’s MUCH better than yesterdayHehehe. I woulda much rather have been here all day.
Lnova Trytosaveabit 楼主 : I would have rather been too
Trytosaveabit 楼主 Lnova : 🩷 Hehehe