azizakmal : why it's rubbish?
105038909 : 还好ipo没中选
King683 楼主 azizakmal : 2nd day after IPO already drop 14% what do you think?
104457803 King683 楼主 : Not rubbish, because it lack of news, when the news come, will hot again, young people like hot news
OliverZ 105038909 : Info is in ur hujung jari wkwkwk
azizakmal King683 楼主 : like EDARAN on 14/8? rubbish too?
azizakmal : 0.525 now, still rubbish?
azizakmal : why it's rubbish?
105038909 : 还好ipo没中选
King683 楼主 azizakmal : 2nd day after IPO already drop 14% what do you think?
104457803 King683 楼主 : Not rubbish, because it lack of news, when the news come, will hot again, young people like hot news
OliverZ 105038909 : Info is in ur hujung jari wkwkwk
azizakmal King683 楼主 : like EDARAN on 14/8? rubbish too?
azizakmal : 0.525 now, still rubbish?