In Oct 22 to Oct 23. Celsius had grown to a tremendous 3rd largest market share of energy drinks. Beating Livita, Rock star, Four Loco. If they directors can capture that large amount of market I'm sure they are in the right direction. It is also thanks to$百事可乐 (PEP.US)$distributorship that enables to expand thier energy drinks market and product placement there.
Dive into technicals.
Why i'm cautious despite I'm excited at the same time over this company.
Ultratech : 你添加了这个,它下降了12%。
Aaron Invests (AI) 楼主 Ultratech : 哈哈保持冷静我所有的观点都不是财务建议是我个人的反思。这已经变成了沉重的负担。
Ultratech Aaron Invests (AI) 楼主 : 我已经把它买下来了
Aaron Invests (AI) 楼主 Ultratech : 将专注于 NVDA
Ultratech Aaron Invests (AI) 楼主 : 我有很多 nvidia 我知道不是你的错别担心无论如何我只买了 1 股其实是完美的下跌今天是我买的 bev/快餐主题
Aaron Invests (AI) 楼主 Ultratech : 这是预料之中的。我总是想着好事和坏事。我持有很多,所以该是我继续坚持下去的时候了。NVDA 也是我的另一个信念。为其倒卖机会进行买入和卖出
Ultratech Aaron Invests (AI) 楼主 : 是的,绝对是个不错的多头。受益于较低的利率