
花样年华 保密 ID: 101617380
    1。由于它是公开交易且不受监管的,因此很容易被操纵到达到难以想象的价值的地步。因此,即使硬币以更大的价值进行交易,也会产生一种错觉,即硬币价值该金额。但是,一旦其数量的很大一部分投放市场,并且所有买家都得到满足,它就会陷入困境。例如,最近发生的 SQUID 游戏代币,它是由 squid 游戏公司创作者创建的真正代币。这是个好主意,他们的网站上还有在线鱿鱼游戏。但是,创作者在市场上出售了他们的硬币,因为它达到了惊人的高额。许多新闻来源说,创作者退出了该项目。但是,我相信他们在离开之前就把它卖掉了。
    Shiba Inu 也在创造类似的环境,但规模更大。从那以后,他们称购买和持有硬币的人为 “柴军”。这造成了对市场的错误解释,因为无论谁持有 shiba inu,都将成为或将成为百万富翁。例如,就在 shiba 达到 0.00009 左右时,有人抛售了数十亿枚代币,价格仅接近数百万美元(与 shiba 市值相比)
    10月28日,你可以看到从0.000089的价值急剧下跌至0.000058,那时出售shib的人最少,赚了数百万美元。但是由于 shib 的持续促销和 FOMO 在人们中造成的 FOMO,SHIB 得以回到 0.000071。这使柴犬的市值达到约400亿美元,超过了USDC和doge。
    我预计,如果一个持有价值数十亿美元柴犬的人因为恐惧或任何可能的原因而将其抛售市场。我相信 SHIB 也将像 SQUID 代币一样暴跌,使在 SHIB 市场上处于买入头寸的人和持有该头寸的人破产。
    如果你能在 2020 年 3 月购买 8 美元的 Shib,那么现在你就能获得 570 万美元
    如果你能在 2020 年 3 月购买 8 美元的 Shib,那么现在你就能获得 570 万美元
    如果你能在 2020 年 3 月购买 8 美元的 Shib,那么现在你就能获得 570 万美元
    First let's see where we can find star institutions. if you are in the main page in moomoo you can see the top is scrollable on left side, which has few more options.
    Here when you click on the explore option you will see star institutions AMC(Asset Management Companies) not the stock amc.
    Here you will see the top AMC holdings and their investment option. There is a small option "All" on the top right corner of the hot AMCs. You can click and open that option.
    if you scroll down a bit lower you will be able to see the top AMC of United states with their holdings and their position changes with their total investment funds, Normally it is in trillions.
    Here we can have the maximum use of this option. After scrolling down, you can see the top 10 institutions. These top institutions have tens of trillions of dollars which can practically move the market in any direction. We know the basic knowledge that the stock increases when the money flows in and decreases when the money flows out.
    So, If you can study these top institutional positional changes of stocks you can predict the actions the company is taking and can make use it to your advantage in buying/selling stock or buying /selling options.
    let's take the vanguard fund as an example.
    if you click on the vanguard group in AMC list you will see the current percent holdings of vanguard group. From here if you scroll a bit left you will see the prior proportion and the current proportion of the stock in this fund. We can see that the fund increased the number of stocks in thoer portfolio, example $苹果(AAPL.US)$ and $微软(MSFT.US)$. From here we can assume the fund is securing shares of these companies, that indicates they will most probably go up in price, because of shortage of stocks in market. since vanguard fund's 0.14% change is equal to $5 billion(calculated by multiplying it with vanguard market cap) in stocks of Apple. which can make a huge impact in the stock supply. which in turn increases the demand and price of the stock.
    Similarly we can look at the top 5 (top 10 for more precision in your results) to have their positional changes on a particular stock. If we multiply these changes of the particular stock with the fund's marketcap we will get a final result.
    Important: some increases their positions and some decreases their positions, Hence we add the increasing positions and subtract the decreasing positional changes.
    Finally, it will be a good idea to also look at the market cap of the stock for example microsoft has a market cap of 1.6T and thus having a change of 5 billion can have a normal impact on the stock. However, stocks with smaller marketcap but the positional changes in billions can have a very high impact of stock prices.
    Or if you dont want to work too hard. In the hot AMC page, if you scroll a bit low you will see the hot stocks and their positional changes in the amc. Here you can directly choose to pick the stocks to buy or stock in the market.
    Happy trading
    How to use the star institutions in the most effective way possible with the data provided by Moomoo
    How to use the star institutions in the most effective way possible with the data provided by Moomoo
    How to use the star institutions in the most effective way possible with the data provided by Moomoo
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