
Lex0504 男 ID: 101490038
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    See what's new in the Rewards Club!
    More valuable stuff for everyone. Storage Bags and Masks are now available (12:00 Australia time)
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    [AU] Storage Bags and Masks released on July 1
    [AU] Storage Bags and Masks released on July 1
    [AU] Storage Bags and Masks released on July 1
    Lex0504 赞了
    早上好 mooers 们!关于当今的新加坡,你需要了解以下几点:
    ●值得关注的股票和房地产投资信托基金:新加坡电信、SPH Reit、Aspen
    -moomoo News SG
    新加坡股市周一开盘走低。的 $富时新加坡海峡指数 (.STI.SG)$ 下跌1.01%,至3,114.16...
    Lex0504 赞了
    从历史上看,长期投资(优质投资)几乎总是跑赢市场。一个很好的例子是沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet),他只是投资于交易价格低于其内在价值的优秀公司,然后只要这些公司仍然是优秀的企业,就一直持有这些公司。我想分享他的投资理念,这有助于指导我的投资之旅:
    a) 寻找安全余地(支付低于内在价值的费用)
    b) 注重质量(以合理的价格投资一家优秀的公司要比以优惠的价格投资一家公平的公司要好得多)
    c) 不要跟随人群
    d) 不要害怕市场崩盘和修正
    e) 以长期的心态进行投资
    f) 如果情况发生变化,不要害怕出售
    g) 学习价值投资的基础知识
    h) 研究和反思(知识就是力量)
    长期投资对我来说效果更好,因为我没有时间一直监控 😊 我确实在看他的投资组合,这些年来他的投资组合表现相对较好例如 $苹果 (AAPL.US)$  $美国银行 (BAC.US)$  $可口可乐 (KO.US)$  $美国运通 (AXP.US)$  $卡夫亨氏 (KHC.US)$😊
    Lex0504 赞了
    $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ 为什么这位顶级策略师认为科技巨头仍有上涨空间 - Barrons.com提到:AAPL AMZN ASML MSFT SAP来源: Reshma Kapadia
    Nicholas Colas为基金经理撰写一份广为阅读的晨间简报,其中汲取了这位新闻记者在华尔街的30年经验,结合经济数据、市场动态、投资者心理和颠覆性趋势的洞察力。
    作为DataTrek研究的合作创始人,科拉斯(Colas)于上世纪80年代中期进入华尔街,他首次了解华尔街是在如今的瑞银安联基金的邮件室,当时共同基金行业正蓬勃发展。科拉斯于1991年开始作为信用Suisse的分析师,覆盖汽车行业,正式进入了华尔街的职业生涯。他后来在SAC Capital工作,从对冲基金经理Steve Cohen那里学到了在投资中理解情绪的重要性,之后在其他公司工作,担任市场策略师和研究负责人,最终于2017年创办了DataTrek。科拉斯多年来一直看好大型科技公司和颠覆力量的力量,并于2013年开始撰写有关比特币的文章。
    我们正在谈论的是规模庞大的美国公司,在规模和范围经济方面具有巨大的优势,比较小公司,由于它们从美国业务中产生的现金流,具有在海外更强大的竞争定位。我们拥有的最重要的东西是大科技。不可能过分强调拥有标普500指数中20%的[Alphabet的] Google [逐笔明细: GOOGL],苹果[AAPL]和微软[MSFT]有多重要。没有其他公司能够与这些业务模式相匹配。
    Lex0504 赞了
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ $谷歌-C (GOOG.US)$ $亚马逊 (AMZN.US)$ 这是一次救济性反弹。仍处于下降趋势
    Lex0504 赞了
    $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ $谷歌-C (GOOG.US)$ 苹果要求印度反垄断监管机构(CCI)驳回指控其滥用市场支配力的案件,称其在南亚国家的市场份额太小。不像谷歌那样占主导地位。印度竞争委员会(CCI)正在调查有关苹果通过强迫应用程序开发人员使用其专有系统来损害竞争的指控,向App Store收取高达30%的应用程序内购买佣金。
    Lex0504 赞了
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $AMC院线 (AMC.US)$ $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ $Rivian Automotive (RIVN.US)$ $Adobe (ADBE.US)$
    来自不同平台的前 5 名股票行情(12/17)长图
    Lex0504 赞了
    Barclays had initiated an "OVERWEIGHT"
    On 3rd November 2021, Barclays had initiated an "OVERWEIGHT" rating on Baidu to 243.
    What is $百度 (BIDU.US)$doing?
    I guessed not everyone had heard of this counter called $百度 (BIDU.US)$ / $阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$ , but in fact they are the $谷歌-C (GOOG.US)$ of China. As Google is banned in China, the natives mostly used Baidu search. They are a chinese internet related and artifical intelligence company based in Beijing.
    Robotaxi Launch
    $百度 (BIDU.US)$ aims to launch its driverless taxi service in 100 cities by 2030. Users can hail an autonomous car via an app. Currently, Baidu operates its Apollo Go robotaxi service in five Chinese cities. Baidu looks to expand Apollo Go to 65 cities by 2025 and then 100 cities by 2030. The cost of a human driver accounts for about 60% of the user payment in ride-sharing, according to a Credit Suisse report. Baidu's strategy for building a robotaxi business is to reduce the cost of self-driving technology and target specific user scenarios.
    Baidu Enters Into License Agreement With Sanofi to Enable Next-Generation mRNA Therapeutics and Vaccines
    Baidu a leading AI company with strong Internet foundation, and Sanofi, a leading biopharmaceutical company focused on human health, have entered into an agreement to integrate Baidu's messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) design optimization platform, LinearDesign, into Sanofi's product design pipeline. Under the agreement, Sanofi will leverage the LinearDesign platform to contribute to the optimization of mRNA sequences for human therapeutic and preventive uses. This agreement marks a milestone for Baidu to use its strengths in computational biology to optimize mRNA vaccine and therapy designs in real-world pharmaceutical practice beyond Covid-19.
    Baidu will receive milestone payments when any mRNA-based therapy or vaccine candidate discovered by Sanofi using its algorithm enters clinical trials, said Huang Liang, a Baidu scientist leading the project. "The fact that this agreement includes milestone payments shows that [Sanofi] has great confidence in bringing candidates developed with Baidu algorithm into clinical trials and to the market," Huang told Reuters. He declined to disclose the size of the deal. Baidu's algorithm is designed to deliver a larger number of optimised mRNA sequences and there are early signs that it could be more suitable than standard algorithms in vaccine and therapeutic drug development, Huang said.
    Baidu Continue To Gain Cloud Market Share At The Cost Of Huawei, Tencent
    Chinese tech majors Huawei Technologies Co and Tencent holdings have lost cloud services market share in the third quarter amid formidable competition from market leader Alibaba and Baidu. The cloud units of Alibaba, Huawei, Tencent, and Baidu Inc (NASDAQ:BIDU) held a combined 80% of the China market in Q3. However, the second most significant player Huawei Cloud's market share, contracted 230 bps to 17% Q/Q. The third-largest player Tencent Cloud's market share declined to 220 bps to 16.6% Q/Q. Alibaba Cloud's market share expanded 450 bps to 38.3%. Baidu AI, Cloud's market share, expanded 40 bps to 8.2%. Baidu grew 64.7% in Q3, thanks to its more significant customer base across different sectors and industrial internet projects. Baidu grew 64.7% in Q3, thanks to its more significant customer base across different sectors and industrial internet projects.
    Analysis of Baidu's financials
    Price to Earning Ratios: BIDU is good value based on its PE Ratio (23.3x) compared to the US Interactive Media and Services industry average (27.1x).
    Price to Book Ratio:BIDU is good value based on its PB Ratio (1.5x) compared to the US Interactive Media and Services industry average (3.2x).
    Earnings as at 30 september = 11.2% profit margin
    Debt is not a concern
    Short Term Liabilities: BIDU's short term assets (CN¥215.4B) exceed its short term liabilities (CN¥73.9B).Long Term Liabilities: BIDU's short term assets (CN¥215.4B) exceed its long term liabilities (CN¥85.9B).
    Debt Level: BIDU has more cash than its total debt.
    Baidu's Top Shareholders
    Hi Moomoo, i am a passionate long term investor, i currently do hold baidu (US listed) and i intends to buy more as it is currently undervalued. This is my research view and i would like to share with all my moomoo followers.
    Time to put Baidu on your watchlist
    Time to put Baidu on your watchlist
    Time to put Baidu on your watchlist