
Fun Wong 女 ID: 101533968
    我开始用 Moomoo 只是为了看看股票世界,不想自己花钱,因为我太害怕了 而且我对如何挑选好股票知之甚少。免费的 APPL $苹果 (AAPL.US)$Moomoo 提供的股票极大地鼓励我尝试买入至少便宜的股票,看看一切是如何运作的,因为即使我亏损了我也可以卖掉我宝贵的 1 股 $苹果 (AAPL.US)$价格为145美元,这是我收到股票时的价格。然后我开始建立自己的投资组合并增加更多股票,比如 $蔚来 (NIO.US)$  $开心汽车 (KXIN.US)$还有其他生物技术制药股票,有些股票实际上表现非常好,因为我在谷底买入了它们,而且在股价下跌时做出了平均成本 $Axsome Therapeutics (AXSM.US)$我获得了至少39%的利润 😁😁。我买入的其他股票今天表现不太好,但在最近的暴跌之前有可能飞上月球。我了解到这个过山车 🎢 会有起有落,所以我会坚持下去,在适当的时候看到这么高的水平!不管怎样,在 Moomoo 上这是一次很棒的学习经历,没有它我还能站在外面的投资世界里。谢谢 Moomoo


    *资料来源: 回顾2021年,赢取免费股票 $游戏驿站 (GME.US)$随着2021即将结束,moomoo邀请您写下自己对2021年交易之旅的回顾,反思过去一年,并展望2022年。 $AMC院线 (AMC.US)$ 参与主题讨论"2021年回顾:我的投资之旅仍在继续 $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC.US)$活动
    时间:现在至12月31日美东时间11:59 PM奖励*
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    2022将会成为你想要的一切。 快乐(几乎)来临了
    2022,记住,这一年将会成为你想要的一切。 2021回顾:我的投资之旅向前迈进
    2021 in Review: Grow Together to the Moon!
    moomoo年度庆典正在进行中!请在此处查看: 将获得免费股票,价格区间在 "
    在芯片短缺期间,投资者也密切关注科技股。更别提埃隆·马斯克和特朗普所引发的戏剧性事件了。真是不可思议的一年! 2021年回顾:共同成长,一路奔月!
    $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$
    Grab在东南亚市场肯定有增长潜力,如人们越来越富裕,数字增长等等。然而,请注意Grab在所有业务/服务(打车、外卖和金融服务)中都面临激烈的竞争和挑战。目前,我还没有看到他们展示出非常强大的护城河 - 类似于 $优步 (UBER.US)$
    1. 打车 - 似乎他们不打算扩张到东南亚地区以外的国家。这意味着在短期内增长有限。此外,这个业务领域受到了疫情的严重影响。出租车司机们正在遭受困扰(这是一个实际存在的问题)
    2. 外卖 - 自2020年以来,随着大家开始居家办公,这个领域的销售形势“一飞冲天”。但新加坡和一些东南亚国家太小了。在这个领域,他们能赚多少是有限的。再加上Foodpanda、Deliveroo等,他们的市场份额将受到进一步限制。个人认为,当涉及到外卖时,并没有品牌忠诚度。我大部分时间都用Grab,但也会在有折扣/代金券等活动时使用其他两个平台。
    3. 金融服务 - 金融机构实在太多了。要与银行甚至像苹果和谷歌这样的巨头竞争将是困难的。 $苹果 (AAPL.US)$和谷歌 $谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$来提供支付服务。再次出现Favpay、新电信的Dash $新电信 (Z74.SG)$支付宝 $阿里巴巴 (BABA.US)$以太经典以太经典。它们可以获得多少市场份额?
    $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$
    $新加坡航空公司 (C6L.SG)$ : Just my opinion and sharing only, not suitable for trading. Please correct me, if I am wrong.
    SIA face total passenger shut down in March 2020 for about 18 months or so, due to Covid-19, as such, it's share value had devalued from around $9.00 in Jan 2020 to as low as $3.20 in Aug 2020.
    Therefore, my estimated 50% retracement is around $6.00. If I take Jan 2015 high of $12.91 for estimation, the 50% retracement would be around $8.00 in the coming months ahead. Not forgetting to factor in the 2 rights issues, which had diluted SIA shares. So we need to discount a bit. Unless, SIA intend to buy back shares in future.
    Hopefully, no more new threatening virus resurface. If Covid-22 appear, then $3.20 may not even be sustainable. Because another world airline shut down, everyone on earth will suffer. I don't think all the world leaders would want to ground all the planes a second time round, unless there is a real necessity. Which we hope, it won't happen.
    So far so good, no fatalities news from the new Omicron virus, besides it's fast infectious rate. Only then that, SIA, would have peace to progress from here.
    As for now, if nothing threatening is found from the new Omicron virus, then the market fair value should be above $5.20. Good news is that it had found strong support around $4.76 to $4.80 area.
    Finally, here is a word of caution, please trade within your means, and not overly exposed yourself. Else no one can help you. Be responsible for yourself. Do not blame others, or use strong words to hurt others, use polite and supportive words, instead. We are all human beings, we all have feelings, we all taking risk to earn a living.
    Good luck and all the best to you guys.
    Thank you.
    Fun Wong 留下了心情
    我们可以乘着恒星机构的力量登上月球吗?Moomoo应用程序允许我们根据13F申报文件查看顶级基金的头寸(报价 > 探索 > 明星机构)。与散户投资者相比,机构投资者(主权基金、对冲基金、共同基金、保险公司、养老基金等)具有庞大的资本、专业分析师团队和散户投资者梦寐以求的人脉的优势。他们可能会意识到散户投资者不知道的信息,或者更早地获得信息,并且由于交易规模,他们可能会影响股票的价格。因此,他们持有的头寸可以作为哪些股票被低估或高估的有用线索。
    $ARK Fintech Innovation ETF (ARKF.US)$  $ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK.US)$  $ARK Autonomous Technology & Robotics ETF (ARKQ.US)$  $ARK Next Generation Internet ETF (ARKW.US)$  $标普500ETF-Vanguard (VOO.US)$  $SPDR 标普500指数ETF (SPY.US)$  $苹果 (AAPL.US)$  $谷歌-C (GOOG.US)$  $谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$  $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$  $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$  $奈飞 (NFLX.US)$  $英伟达 (NVDA.US)$  $亚马逊 (AMZN.US)$  $美国超微公司 (AMD.US)$  $Lucid Group (LCID.US)$ $伯克希尔-A (BRK.A.US)$  $伯克希尔-B (BRK.B.US)$ $老虎环球持仓 (LIST2121.US)$  $BYD Co. (BYDDF.US)$  $阿里巴巴 (BABA.US)$  $滴滴(已退市) (DIDI.US)$  $拼多多 (PDD.US)$  $淡马锡持仓 (LIST2536.US)$  $Snowflake (SNOW.US)$  $微软 (MSFT.US)$  $好未来 (TAL.US)$ 
    话虽如此,机构投资者并非万无一失。他们之所以犯下代价高昂的错误,是因为他们也无法预测未来(中国针对私立教育部门的监管就是一个很好的例子)。 $新东方 (EDU.US)$这让淡马锡控股等机构基金大吃一惊)。
    免责声明: 以上是我个人的看法。这不是财务建议或投资建议。在做出任何投资决定之前,请咨询财务顾问。
    去看看 长期投资——一种在没有不眠之夜的情况下增加回报的策略 https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/107495017873414?lang_code=2
    $新加坡交易所 (S68.SG)$ Been looking at this stock for a while and once had a small postion in it. Cut loss at 9.65, the dividends couldn’t cover the losses. It wasn’t a big loss though. But it does appear that this stock really doesn’t respond to positive news well (recent IPOs), yet responses to negative news really really well (Covid, New variant, etc).
    Im not hating on this stock, but for me, I’m steering clear. Trust your gut instinct, if it’s telling you to buy, go ahead and buy, but if its telling you to cut loss, then maybe think about cutting losses.
    $新加坡航空公司 (C6L.SG)$
    Asia stocks set for steady start; Oil, yields jump
    Asian stocks looked set for a steady start Wednesday after a mixed Wall Street session and a further climb in Treasury yields as traders weighed the prospect of tighter monetary policy to curb inflation.
    Australia edged up at the open. Futures for Japan and Hong Kong were little changed. U.S. futures dipped modestly. Energy and financials helped the $标普500指数 (.SPX.US)$ eke out a gain, while the $纳斯达克100指数 (.NDX.US)$ extended a drop. A gauge of Chinese shares traded in the U.S. fell for a second day.
    Mall brands plunge as Gap, Nordstrom add to supply worries
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    Gap shares fell 17% as of 5:55 p.m. Tuesday after regular trading in New York, while Nordstrom plunged 23%. Mall-based peer $爱芬奇 (ANF.US)$, which reported results prior to the market open, fell 13% Tuesday. $都市服饰 (URBN.US)$ slipped 9% after its earnings report.
    Meme stocks suffer worst day since June as risk-off rages
    Meme stocks including $游戏驿站 (GME.US)$ and $3B家居 (BBBY.US)$ are tumbling Tuesday as investors bail out of riskier assets in favor of value-oriented companies.
    A group of 37 retail-trader favorites tracked by Bloomberg fell 5.5% Tuesday, the worst drop for the group since mid-June.
    Profitable companies are leaving money-losing stocks in the dust
    Making a profit is really paying off again. Investors are rewarding companies that make money at the highest rate in almost two decades when compared to their money-losing peers.
    The average return for profitable members of the $罗素3000ETF-iShares (IWV.US)$ is 36% this year, about triple the gains for unprofitable companies, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
    Retail traders jump back into tiny biotechs ahead of holiday
    Two tiny biotechs, $iSpecimen (ISPC.US)$ and $Longeveron (LGVN.US)$, are the latest to see their stocks caught up in a social media-fueled frenzy ahead of a U.S. trading holiday.
    ISpecimen closed 49% higher Tuesday after more than doubling at the open and triggering a volatility halt. The stock is majority held by individuals and about 44% is held by insiders.
    Rocket Lab CEO says companies not reusing rockets are making 'a dead-end product'
    $Rocket Lab (RKLB.US)$ CEO Peter Beck has dramatically changed his tune on reusing rockets, a practice made increasingly popular by Elon Musk's SpaceX.
    "I think anybody who's not developing a reusable launch vehicle at this point in time is developing a dead-end product because it's just so obvious that this is a fundamental approach that has to be baked in from day one," Beck said on Tuesday.
    SpaceX is launching a NASA spacecraft that will crash into an asteroid
    Elon Musk's SpaceX is set to launch a first-of-its-kind planetary defense mission for NASA in the early hours of Wednesday morning. "We're smashing into an asteroid," NASA's Launch Services Program senior launch director Omar Baez said.
    The mission is known as the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (or DART). NASA is trying to learn how to deflect a threat if it were headed toward Earth.
    Apple sues company known for hacking iPhones on behalf of governments
    $苹果 (AAPL.US)$ is suing NSO Group, an Israeli firm that sells software to government agencies and law enforcement that enables them to hack iPhones. Amnesty International said earlier this year it discovered recent-model iPhones belonging to journalists and human rights lawyers that had been infected with NSO Group malware.
    Apple said on Tuesday it patched the flaws that enabled the NSO Group malware and would warn iPhone owners who may have been targeted.
    Source: Bloomberg, CNBC
    Wall Street Today | Meme stocks suffer worst day since June as risk-off rages