
Moveit 保密 ID: 101645505
    $比特币(BTC.CC)$ *Crypto Currency explained*
    How Crypto Currency works...  an analogy in Layman’s terms.
    Not long ago a merchant found a lot of monkeys that lived near a certain Village .
    One day he came to the Village saying he wanted to buy these monkeys !
    He announced that he would buy the monkeys at $100 each.
    The Villagers thought that this man must be crazy - How can somebody buy Stray Monkeys at $100 each ?
    Still some People caught some monkeys and gave it to this merchant and he gave $100 for each monkey.
    This News spread like wildfire and People caught monkeys and sold them to the merchant.
    After a few days, the merchant announced that he will buy monkeys at $200 each.
    The lazy villagers also ran around to catch the remaining monkeys!
    They sold the remaining monkeys at $200 each.
    The merchant then announced that he will buy monkeys for $500 each!
    The villagers start to lose sleep!.....They caught six or seven monkeys,
    which was all that was left and got $500 each.
    The Villagers were waiting anxiously for the next announcement.
    Then the merchant announced that he is going on Holiday for a week, but when he returns, he will buy monkeys at $1000 each!
    He also said that his employee will be in charge, and would take care of the monkeys he bought pending his return.
    The Merchant went on holiday!
    The Villagers were frantic and very sad as there were no more monkeys left for them to sell it at $1000 each as was promised by the Merchant.
    Then the Merchant’s Employee contacted them and told them that he would secretly sell them some monkeys at $700 each.
    The news spread like wildfire. As the Merchant promised on his return that he would buy monkeys at $1000 each, they would achieve a $300 profit for each monkey.
    The next day The Villagers queued up near the Monkey Cage.
    The Employee sold all the monkeys at $700 each. The Rich bought monkeys in large lots. The poor borrowed money from money lenders and bought the rest of the monkeys!
    The Villagers took care of their monkeys & waited for the Merchant to return!
    However nobody came ! ..... Then they ran to Find the Employee ....
    However he was not to be found!
    The Villagers then realized that they have been duped buying the useless Stray monkeys at $700each, and were now unable to sell them!
    This Monkey Business is now known as Bitcoin !
    It will make a-lot of People bankrupt and a very few People filthy rich in this kind of Monkey Business.
    🇺🇸 *华侨银行证券数字参与团队,敬请关注 24 👁️‍🗨️ 7 Trading Matters www.iocbc.com*
    💡 富途在盘前交易时段暴跌了25%,因为下一个音乐椅落在了中国当局指定的*无牌在线经纪公司*身上
    ▪️ 中国人民银行官员在一篇文章中称跨境在线经纪商为非法后,在美国上市的中国在线经纪商在盘前交易中暴跌。
    ▪️ Up Fintech在美国盘前交易中下跌了23%,而富途因交易量大跌了31%
    ▪️ 中国人民银行高级官员孙天齐在金融40论坛网站上发表的一篇文章中写道,这些经纪人是非法的金融活动,因为它们没有在中国经营的许可证,而且这与资本账户是否可以完全兑换无关
    🇺🇸 *华侨银行证券数字参与团队,敬请关注 24 👁️‍🗨️ 7 Trading Matters www.iocbc.com*
    💡 富途在盘前交易时段暴跌了25%,因为下一个音乐椅落在了中国当局指定的*无牌在线经纪公司*身上
    ▪️ 中国人民银行官员在一篇文章中称跨境在线经纪商为非法后,在美国上市的中国在线经纪商在盘前交易中暴跌。
    ▪️ Up Fintech在美国盘前交易中下跌了23%,而富途因交易量大跌了31%
    ▪️ 中国人民银行高级官员孙天齐在金融40论坛网站上发表的一篇文章中写道,这些经纪人是非法的金融活动,因为它们没有在中国经营的许可证,而且这与资本账户是否可以完全兑换无关
    $阿里巴巴-SW(09988.HK)$ Are there more daggers waiting for baba from Beijing.?
    Can it survive the assault and be broken up in pieces?
    Or is this an opportunity to load up on baba?