Mark your calendar! The next Apple event is scheduled for Sep 14 at 1:00 PM ET / Sep 15 at 1:00 AM SGT
Although Apple has announced its latest iPhone during a September event every year since the iPhone 5 in 2012, Apple saw a change in that pattern in 2020 due to production delays during the pandemic. This year, Apple will return to its usual September schedule, the event will be virtual again! This kind of carnival will also be live on moomoo for sure! Let's check out what cool stuff is coming up together!
Although Apple has announced its latest iPhone during a September event every year since the iPhone 5 in 2012, Apple saw a change in that pattern in 2020 due to production delays during the pandemic. This year, Apple will return to its usual September schedule, the event will be virtual again! This kind of carnival will also be live on moomoo for sure! Let's check out what cool stuff is coming up together!
Apple 2021 Product Launching Event
09/14 12:00
巴菲特指数是总市值相对于美国国内生产总值的比例。据沃伦·巴菲特称,这种指标可能是衡量估值水平的最好指标之一。 最佳的单一指标 反映估值水平的最好指标。
截至2021年8月28日,总市值指数为46.88万亿美元,约为 206%美国GDP的市值,表明市场被严重高估。
让我们看看巴菲特指标的历史走势图。该比率达到 2000年达到了140%,预示着随后破裂的互联网泡沫。纳斯达克指数在2000年3月至2002年10月期间下跌了75%。 ,从2000年3月到2002年10月。 从那时起,纳斯达克指数下跌了75%。
该比率也达到了 2020年2月增长了155%随后是引发标普500指数从3393下跌至2192的大流行病崩盘, 下跌35%然而,股市迅速反弹,从低点翻倍。
当比率突破200%时,我们正在见证历史 ,毫无疑问。 这一次会有所不同吗?
With interest rates at historic lows, there is a voice in the market that "this time is different".
Cathie Wood said: GDP statistics evolved during the Industrial Age and do not seem to be keeping up with the digital age. Thanks to productivity, real GDP growth probably is higher and inflation lower than reported, suggesting that the quality of earnings has increased significantly.
Overall, if the stock market is a game, you have to stay in the game before you beat the game. The Buffett Indicator can be a tool to relocate where we are in the stock market. It's never too late to do our due diligence and control the risk to gain a long-term return.
Do you think the Buffett Indicator is 有用我们应该吗? 应该密切关注还是忽视它? 吗? 我们应该做什么 作为对这个指标的回应?
点击"立即参与发帖前请先 9月3日基于质量和原创性,
5位mooer们 将会获胜 2,000 分
10位mooer们 将会获胜 1,000 积分
截至2021年8月28日,总市值指数为46.88万亿美元,约为 206%美国GDP的市值,表明市场被严重高估。
让我们看看巴菲特指标的历史走势图。该比率达到 2000年达到了140%,预示着随后破裂的互联网泡沫。纳斯达克指数在2000年3月至2002年10月期间下跌了75%。 ,从2000年3月到2002年10月。 从那时起,纳斯达克指数下跌了75%。
该比率也达到了 2020年2月增长了155%随后是引发标普500指数从3393下跌至2192的大流行病崩盘, 下跌35%然而,股市迅速反弹,从低点翻倍。
当比率突破200%时,我们正在见证历史 ,毫无疑问。 这一次会有所不同吗?
With interest rates at historic lows, there is a voice in the market that "this time is different".
Cathie Wood said: GDP statistics evolved during the Industrial Age and do not seem to be keeping up with the digital age. Thanks to productivity, real GDP growth probably is higher and inflation lower than reported, suggesting that the quality of earnings has increased significantly.
Overall, if the stock market is a game, you have to stay in the game before you beat the game. The Buffett Indicator can be a tool to relocate where we are in the stock market. It's never too late to do our due diligence and control the risk to gain a long-term return.
Do you think the Buffett Indicator is 有用我们应该吗? 应该密切关注还是忽视它? 吗? 我们应该做什么 作为对这个指标的回应?
点击"立即参与发帖前请先 9月3日基于质量和原创性,
5位mooer们 将会获胜 2,000 分
10位mooer们 将会获胜 1,000 积分
101732148 : 太棒了