$澳元/日元 (AUDJPY.FX)$ 为什么没人在看这个 😂😂昨天我卖了一些,赚了不少利润 🤣🤣
$Live Oak Acquisition Corp II (LOKB.US)$
2021年10月8日,都柏林/新华社/ -- Navitas Semiconductor是氮化镓(GaN)电力集成电路(IC)行业的领导者,宣布在中国深圳开设了一家新办事处,为该地区的非凡收入增长提供了300%的增长能力。这家先进的设施为Navitas提供了与客户和设计合作伙伴共同开发基于GaN的电力系统的重要工程能力。这项投资支持GaN移动快速充电器的迅速增长,以及该公司最近宣布的扩大计划,以实现基于GaN的数据中心、太阳能装置和新能源车,这对该公司来说是一个价值数十亿美元的市场机会。
2021年10月8日,都柏林/新华社/ -- Navitas Semiconductor是氮化镓(GaN)电力集成电路(IC)行业的领导者,宣布在中国深圳开设了一家新办事处,为该地区的非凡收入增长提供了300%的增长能力。这家先进的设施为Navitas提供了与客户和设计合作伙伴共同开发基于GaN的电力系统的重要工程能力。这项投资支持GaN移动快速充电器的迅速增长,以及该公司最近宣布的扩大计划,以实现基于GaN的数据中心、太阳能装置和新能源车,这对该公司来说是一个价值数十亿美元的市场机会。
The governments have begun stages of decoupling the world to maintain stability.
The earth works on a sustainability model since it has finite materials. Economic growth cant continue infinitely, it has to stay within the finite sustainability of the planet. When the sustainability line is crossed the planet will correct the problem, could be by starting an ice age, a deadly disease, or by starving the cause. The leaders of the world have decided that we have crossed that line and they are going to be the ones to correct it, instead of leaving it in the hands of the planet because the planet won’t save discretely, it’s selection will be without any favor towards anyone.
The plan is too cause an equilibrium by facilitated degrowth. Instead of a collapse by degrowth, Because one way the rich get to keep living their way without changing or being affected by the degrowth the working people, middle class, poor people.
Steps to start degrowth:
1. Cause most productivity to come to a stop.
2. Cause sustainable goods to skyrocket(i.e. food, oil, housing).
3. Make money worth less.
4.Interrupt the supply chain.
5. Stop the birth rate, increase the death rate.(abortions, infertility, shut down hospitals,get rid of the police, shut down prisons to increase violent crime, spread sickness thru nursing homes and elderly, stop travel)
6. Increase hate and cause divisions amongst society, create a giant melting pot and let them kill each other.
7. Wealthy buy up land in the country away from society where they will be safe until the dust settles.
8. Use the stock market to transfer most of the wealth to the rich before you crash it and set the plan in motion.
In 1970 Dennis Meadows, wrote a report to the Club of Rome(New World Order or whatever else they have called themselves), predicting a collapse of our consumption patterns and our society by the 2025.
Now how much of this is happening right now or has happened? Next find out what is in store for us in concrete terms? And how to prepare for it?
Read about Adrastia, which focuses on anticipating the decline of the thermo-industrial civilization or Collapsology.
Only the rich or the prepared will survive what’s almost here. Their goal for complete collapse is Dark Winter 2021.
The earth works on a sustainability model since it has finite materials. Economic growth cant continue infinitely, it has to stay within the finite sustainability of the planet. When the sustainability line is crossed the planet will correct the problem, could be by starting an ice age, a deadly disease, or by starving the cause. The leaders of the world have decided that we have crossed that line and they are going to be the ones to correct it, instead of leaving it in the hands of the planet because the planet won’t save discretely, it’s selection will be without any favor towards anyone.
The plan is too cause an equilibrium by facilitated degrowth. Instead of a collapse by degrowth, Because one way the rich get to keep living their way without changing or being affected by the degrowth the working people, middle class, poor people.
Steps to start degrowth:
1. Cause most productivity to come to a stop.
2. Cause sustainable goods to skyrocket(i.e. food, oil, housing).
3. Make money worth less.
4.Interrupt the supply chain.
5. Stop the birth rate, increase the death rate.(abortions, infertility, shut down hospitals,get rid of the police, shut down prisons to increase violent crime, spread sickness thru nursing homes and elderly, stop travel)
6. Increase hate and cause divisions amongst society, create a giant melting pot and let them kill each other.
7. Wealthy buy up land in the country away from society where they will be safe until the dust settles.
8. Use the stock market to transfer most of the wealth to the rich before you crash it and set the plan in motion.
In 1970 Dennis Meadows, wrote a report to the Club of Rome(New World Order or whatever else they have called themselves), predicting a collapse of our consumption patterns and our society by the 2025.
Now how much of this is happening right now or has happened? Next find out what is in store for us in concrete terms? And how to prepare for it?
Read about Adrastia, which focuses on anticipating the decline of the thermo-industrial civilization or Collapsology.
Only the rich or the prepared will survive what’s almost here. Their goal for complete collapse is Dark Winter 2021.
象今天这样的日子,我感觉想好好哭一场,昨天损失了很多。 $Camber Energy (CEI.US)$ 而且股市已经关闭了,直到可能的星期一才能恢复。但是今天和这个周末是一个好时机,退一步做一些认真的研究,为新的一周做准备。适当的准备可以避免糟糕的表现!
$Camber Energy (CEI.US)$ 我有一个不错的小礼物给新的交易者们。去YouTube上找找Zendoo吧。他有一个漂亮简单的扫描设置,你可以整天跟随,并且他的图表很好。没有很多的关注者,就像是一个隐藏的小宝石。它在我家的大屏幕上整天播放。我想你会印象深刻的。很棒的免费工具!
$苹果 (AAPL.US)$ 我的第一个成功/失败是成为"股息投资者",经过一年多后名义上保持平衡。我的第二个成功/失败是投资苹果公司股票价值130美元左右,不幸的是,股价跌至约90美元,我在那时买入更多。我的第三个成功/失败是投资于ARKk,那时我已经知道自己在做什么,不幸的是,整个市场的表现并不尽如人意,我只能勉强比标普500指数高出大概2%。我最近的成功/失败是在比特币上押大注,不断加仓到初始0.9万至0.38万之间并非易事,但我很高兴在0.5万左右大举入场,目前盈利约1.5万,迄今为止是我交易时间最短、最小回撤的最佳交易。