
102455797RC 男 ID: 102455797
    The MooMoo app is already quite robust, with the standard features and exceptional value-adding instruments in place. However the most engaging part of being a MooMoo user to me is the games and contests, and fundamentally, investors here are here for the rewards and challengers, novice or seasoned alike. Rewards for post such as this is very welcomed and instigates new thoughts to the community, and games like the Let's Moo-ve was really fun and rewarding (Great animation too). My Christmas wishlist for MooMoo, is of course to have more of such exciting Games!
    FOMO due to hype of course..causing me to buy at ATH and took very long time to recover, and a few are still at paper loss despite holding for quite some time. Nevertheless, the biggest mistake i have made, and am still making, is to not learn the fundamentals thoroughly and start throwing hard-earned money into the market. Some earned due to luck, some earned due to persistency by holding long term, but going into market with little knowledge and no skills would cost a lot more in long run. Gotta study for it folks!
    正要订购 Grab 食物。我会设定一个不错的收盘价 18.888 🤣 我全力支持本地公司,也是一家我熟悉的公司。买买买~~~请往上走!
    Habits are inhibited over time, with constant practicing of a form or way we react to certain circumstances. However, the world of stock trading is ever changing, thus the only way to survive, and perhaps go on top of thing is to discipline ourselves. Its an inner fight. Lessons learnt from the past, dont jump into bandwagon, dont buy on impulse, dont get excited due to hypes. always research and strategize. if its a tough battle, dont go for it. you wont have enough bullet. play safe, earn little first, and build your wealth exponentially thereafter, and dont forget to realise your profit once in a while. even if market crashes, at least you are burnt, not barbequed.
    MooMoo 是我投资之旅的起点,我很高兴我开局正确!从一开始就不知道已经是 9 点了。生日快乐!期待在未来 99 年内与 MooMoo 一起踏上这段旅程。
    Happy 9th Birthday! I joint MooMoo with my wife and we were thrilled to be part of this community. We have ups and downs (Recently mostly down 🥲) but we are all on this fantastic investment journey. The game is very fun! Wish MooMoo to be around with us for 999 years to come! Stay 牛!
    收益报告通常会对股价产生相关影响,在大多数情况下,收益良好的表现良好的公司将被视为优质股票,投资者可能会从看似乐观的前景中受益,分享价值份额。但是,不知何故,市场有其出路,我的经验 $辉瑞(PFE.US)$ 确实令人大开眼界。凭借丰厚的收益,加上全球疫苗需求仍然强劲,而且我们还没有摆脱疫情,该股的股价一路暴跌。因此,收入报告很可能会给你一些见解,但光靠它不应该是 100% 可靠的。还必须从其他方面进行研究才能了解全貌。
    Not sure how the 30% is measured, but definitely not me. The moment you placed your money, you should be prepared for the worst. And the worst is losing your capital (Unless you short). If you are not mentally prepared for it, dont go for it. Much better to use that money and buy your mom some nice dinner.