Anton Yeung
Hey mooer们,
本周,我们将推出本季度的最终一集。 “和首席执行官对话”.
为上一位moomoo产品经理鼓掌- 艾薇
Pm Ivy: 大家好。我叫Ivy。我从Moo社区的开始就加入了产品经理团队。终于有机会和mooer们交流,我太激动了。
我是一个 热爱自由的。我喜欢结交新朋友、开始新的交谈。 新面孔和新思维总是让我心生光明。.
我希望mooer们能在Moo社区里享受自由的氛围! Everyone is free to talk, to share, and to connect here.
Host: How lovely! I heard that you've brought us a new feature today. What is it?
Pm Ivy: I would like to introduce the "Hot" feature. We can see it in "Hot Topics", "Hot Stocks", and "Hot Articles"该功能能帮助mooer们快速追踪最新动态,一目了然地查看其他人在讨论什么。Mooer们只需轻点一下便可参与讨论。
没有人应该被遗弃或独自一人。我想传达的是 我们在Moo中会互相陪伴,团结一心。.
他说:“作为产品经理,我们的职责是用我们的产品与世界对话。 就像作家用他们的笔与读者对话一样。
我想成为一个致力于建立一个相互交流的空间的产品经理,让mooer们自由进行深入的对话和互动。 我也希望能够得到一些关于将我的想法变成现实的反馈。主持人:非常令人钦佩。你能和我们分享一下Moo的发展情况吗?
我就像一个 紧张的母亲 想要她的孩子健康成长。当出现故障时,就好像是我的孩子生病了,所以我很沮丧和烦恼。
现在,社区是 活跃而健康。氛围温暖而轻松。越来越多的mooer们加入我们并相互交流。他们在那里非常活跃。我感觉就像看着自己的孩子一天天长大,实现新的目标。我 感动并有一种成就感.
Pm Ivy:我希望Moo是 开放且易接近的。这里每个人都可以自由发表自己的想法。新手们敢于提问,成熟的交易员乐于分享经验。每个人都在成长,我们共同进步。在最理想的情况下,所有mooer们 “交易的像专业人士”.
Pm Ivy: moomoo拥有一个显著的极客文化,每个人都追求最佳,以用户体验为首要,重视用户的反馈。 Pm Ivy: 既然提到了查看用户的反馈,你是如何处理的? Pm Ivy: 嗯,正如我所说,我期待着听到我们亲爱的mooer们的声音,但这并不意味着我会在不经过自己评估的情况下接受所有建议。 Henry Ford曾讲过一个关于马的著名故事。他问人们想要什么。他们说他们想要一匹更快的马。而其他人试图培育一匹更快的马,而Ford尝试了另一种方法,即建造一辆汽车,因为他 我确实每天检查用户的反馈,以找出问题所在并改进。
Pm Ivy:嗯,正如我所说,我期待听到我们亲爱的mooer们的声音,但这并不意味着我会在没有经过自己评估的情况下接受所有建议。
Henry Ford讲过一个关于马的著名故事。他问人们想要什么。他们说他们想要一匹更快的马。而其他人试图培育一匹更快的马,而Ford尝试了另一种方法,即建造一辆汽车,因为他 理解了人们的基本需求。
作为moomoo产品经理,理解行业内的需求至关重要。我们需要 满足mooer们的基本需求。在上述情况下,人们真正想要的是更快的运输工具,而不是更快的马。
Ivy产品经理:我崇拜 爱因斯坦 因为他聪明勇敢,敢于质疑不确定性。在科学中没有绝对的对错。 只要你有一个观点并坚持下去,就有很大可能会取得一些科学进展。 无论你支持还是反对某个事物都没有关系。我从他那里学到了很多。我希望继续取得进步,可能会有突破。
主持人: 哈哈哈。你有口号吗?让我们为你的产品投票!
Pm Ivy: 同样的选择可以满足不同的需求- moomoo! 来加入我们吧!
如果你喜欢这篇文章,请点赞Pm Ivy的分享!
如果你有任何问题,请随时将你的想法和想法发送给Ivy,在 moomoo特色 - 与PM交谈 区域。 我们旨在为您提供最好的体验,并期待您的反馈。
Pm George: “投资黄金时间”让我成为产品经理。
简: 我希望拥有的超能力是读心术!
Pm Jason:“艺术来源于生活,伟大的产品也是如此”。
简: Arlene: "今天有个好计划胜过明日完美的计划。"
本周,我们将推出本季度的最终一集。 “和首席执行官对话”.
为上一位moomoo产品经理鼓掌- 艾薇
Pm Ivy: 大家好。我叫Ivy。我从Moo社区的开始就加入了产品经理团队。终于有机会和mooer们交流,我太激动了。
我是一个 热爱自由的。我喜欢结交新朋友、开始新的交谈。 新面孔和新思维总是让我心生光明。.
我希望mooer们能在Moo社区里享受自由的氛围! Everyone is free to talk, to share, and to connect here.
Host: How lovely! I heard that you've brought us a new feature today. What is it?
Pm Ivy: I would like to introduce the "Hot" feature. We can see it in "Hot Topics", "Hot Stocks", and "Hot Articles"该功能能帮助mooer们快速追踪最新动态,一目了然地查看其他人在讨论什么。Mooer们只需轻点一下便可参与讨论。
没有人应该被遗弃或独自一人。我想传达的是 我们在Moo中会互相陪伴,团结一心。.
他说:“作为产品经理,我们的职责是用我们的产品与世界对话。 就像作家用他们的笔与读者对话一样。
我想成为一个致力于建立一个相互交流的空间的产品经理,让mooer们自由进行深入的对话和互动。 我也希望能够得到一些关于将我的想法变成现实的反馈。主持人:非常令人钦佩。你能和我们分享一下Moo的发展情况吗?
我就像一个 紧张的母亲 想要她的孩子健康成长。当出现故障时,就好像是我的孩子生病了,所以我很沮丧和烦恼。
现在,社区是 活跃而健康。氛围温暖而轻松。越来越多的mooer们加入我们并相互交流。他们在那里非常活跃。我感觉就像看着自己的孩子一天天长大,实现新的目标。我 感动并有一种成就感.
Pm Ivy:我希望Moo是 开放且易接近的。这里每个人都可以自由发表自己的想法。新手们敢于提问,成熟的交易员乐于分享经验。每个人都在成长,我们共同进步。在最理想的情况下,所有mooer们 “交易的像专业人士”.
Pm Ivy: moomoo拥有一个显著的极客文化,每个人都追求最佳,以用户体验为首要,重视用户的反馈。 Pm Ivy: 既然提到了查看用户的反馈,你是如何处理的? Pm Ivy: 嗯,正如我所说,我期待着听到我们亲爱的mooer们的声音,但这并不意味着我会在不经过自己评估的情况下接受所有建议。 Henry Ford曾讲过一个关于马的著名故事。他问人们想要什么。他们说他们想要一匹更快的马。而其他人试图培育一匹更快的马,而Ford尝试了另一种方法,即建造一辆汽车,因为他 我确实每天检查用户的反馈,以找出问题所在并改进。
Pm Ivy:嗯,正如我所说,我期待听到我们亲爱的mooer们的声音,但这并不意味着我会在没有经过自己评估的情况下接受所有建议。
Henry Ford讲过一个关于马的著名故事。他问人们想要什么。他们说他们想要一匹更快的马。而其他人试图培育一匹更快的马,而Ford尝试了另一种方法,即建造一辆汽车,因为他 理解了人们的基本需求。
作为moomoo产品经理,理解行业内的需求至关重要。我们需要 满足mooer们的基本需求。在上述情况下,人们真正想要的是更快的运输工具,而不是更快的马。
Ivy产品经理:我崇拜 爱因斯坦 因为他聪明勇敢,敢于质疑不确定性。在科学中没有绝对的对错。 只要你有一个观点并坚持下去,就有很大可能会取得一些科学进展。 无论你支持还是反对某个事物都没有关系。我从他那里学到了很多。我希望继续取得进步,可能会有突破。
主持人: 哈哈哈。你有口号吗?让我们为你的产品投票!
Pm Ivy: 同样的选择可以满足不同的需求- moomoo! 来加入我们吧!
如果你喜欢这篇文章,请点赞Pm Ivy的分享!
如果你有任何问题,请随时将你的想法和想法发送给Ivy,在 moomoo特色 - 与PM交谈 区域。 我们旨在为您提供最好的体验,并期待您的反馈。
Pm George: “投资黄金时间”让我成为产品经理。
简: 我希望拥有的超能力是读心术!
Pm Jason:“艺术来源于生活,伟大的产品也是如此”。
简: Arlene: "今天有个好计划胜过明日完美的计划。"
Anton Yeung
$英伟达 (NVDA.US)$ Gov is pumping money into such stcoks to ensure the us dominance, time to see if it is a good or bad strategy.
Anton Yeung
Anton Yeung
$亚马逊 (AMZN.US)$ $塔吉特 (TGT.US)$ $沃尔玛 (WMT.US)$ $巴克莱银行 (BCS.US)$
Wall Street analysts are eyeing certain retail stocks that they think will do well.
Consumer spending is set to hit record levels even amid rising prices, Labour shortages and supply disruptions. Cowen Group, a financial-services firm, believes this will be the strongest holiday shopping season in more than 20 years. The company expects holiday sales to rise 11% to 13% from a year earlier.
Cowen's John Kernan said :" Lean inventory across the industry indicates that demand has not abated, which has resulted in higher average selling prices and higher gross margins, even after absorbing incremental freight increases."
Spending has reached 58% of 2018 levels, compared with 48% at this time last year, according to Barclays' analysis of credit card transactions. "2021 will see a surge in holiday spending," said Ryan Preclaw of Barclays. "Even a fairly sharp recession at the end could give us the biggest increase in holiday spending we've seen in some time."
Some of the COVID-19 driven shopping trends of 2020 should continue this year. Consumers still prefer to shop online and shop earlier in the holiday season, according to a Goldman Sachs survey. In fact, the Goldman Sachs survey found that 25 percent of consumers who plan to shop during the holiday season this year plan to complete their shopping list before Black Friday.
Meanwhile, categories such as experiences and apparel, including sportswear, are expected to show the biggest growth from last year, Goldman said. Companies that benefit from these shopping trends, and those that manage supply and labor challenges best, could emerge as winners in the holiday season.
Amazon currently has about 40% of the U.S. e-commerce market, according to JPMorgan. The retail giant's expanded delivery network, increased seasonal hiring and early holiday promotions should solidify its lead in the industry, the company said.
Goldman's consumer survey found amazon to be the most popular holiday shopping destination in the US, with 34.6 per cent of participants naming the company as their no. 1 holiday retailer in their plans. Big-box retailers Walmart (WMT) and Target (TGT) were also Wall Street's holiday darlings.
In Goldman's survey, Wal-Mart was the second most popular shopping platform in the U.S. after Amazon, while Target gained the most share. Like Amazon, walmart and Target have increased quarterly hiring and delayed black Friday promotions. "This should reduce the risk of late delivery or limited inventory," jpmorgan's Anmuth said.
Several companies are bullish on Etsy's performance over the holidays. Analysts say the online market will benefit from the supply chain environment. Anthony Chukumba of Loop Capital Markets said Etsy sellers are expected to provide more reliable shipping, and that home sellers can avoid supply-chain issues faced by other Etsy e-commerce companies."
Also, Dick's Sporting Goods could be a holiday winner. Consumers plan to spend more on sneakers and sportswear this year, according to Goldman Sachs. "Athleisure and sneaker trends are strong, and we think the casualization of apparel and footwear will accelerate in FISCAL 2022," Cowen's Kernan said.
Wall Street analysts are eyeing certain retail stocks that they think will do well.
Consumer spending is set to hit record levels even amid rising prices, Labour shortages and supply disruptions. Cowen Group, a financial-services firm, believes this will be the strongest holiday shopping season in more than 20 years. The company expects holiday sales to rise 11% to 13% from a year earlier.
Cowen's John Kernan said :" Lean inventory across the industry indicates that demand has not abated, which has resulted in higher average selling prices and higher gross margins, even after absorbing incremental freight increases."
Spending has reached 58% of 2018 levels, compared with 48% at this time last year, according to Barclays' analysis of credit card transactions. "2021 will see a surge in holiday spending," said Ryan Preclaw of Barclays. "Even a fairly sharp recession at the end could give us the biggest increase in holiday spending we've seen in some time."
Some of the COVID-19 driven shopping trends of 2020 should continue this year. Consumers still prefer to shop online and shop earlier in the holiday season, according to a Goldman Sachs survey. In fact, the Goldman Sachs survey found that 25 percent of consumers who plan to shop during the holiday season this year plan to complete their shopping list before Black Friday.
Meanwhile, categories such as experiences and apparel, including sportswear, are expected to show the biggest growth from last year, Goldman said. Companies that benefit from these shopping trends, and those that manage supply and labor challenges best, could emerge as winners in the holiday season.
Amazon currently has about 40% of the U.S. e-commerce market, according to JPMorgan. The retail giant's expanded delivery network, increased seasonal hiring and early holiday promotions should solidify its lead in the industry, the company said.
Goldman's consumer survey found amazon to be the most popular holiday shopping destination in the US, with 34.6 per cent of participants naming the company as their no. 1 holiday retailer in their plans. Big-box retailers Walmart (WMT) and Target (TGT) were also Wall Street's holiday darlings.
In Goldman's survey, Wal-Mart was the second most popular shopping platform in the U.S. after Amazon, while Target gained the most share. Like Amazon, walmart and Target have increased quarterly hiring and delayed black Friday promotions. "This should reduce the risk of late delivery or limited inventory," jpmorgan's Anmuth said.
Several companies are bullish on Etsy's performance over the holidays. Analysts say the online market will benefit from the supply chain environment. Anthony Chukumba of Loop Capital Markets said Etsy sellers are expected to provide more reliable shipping, and that home sellers can avoid supply-chain issues faced by other Etsy e-commerce companies."
Also, Dick's Sporting Goods could be a holiday winner. Consumers plan to spend more on sneakers and sportswear this year, according to Goldman Sachs. "Athleisure and sneaker trends are strong, and we think the casualization of apparel and footwear will accelerate in FISCAL 2022," Cowen's Kernan said.