
Shiang Yi Chee 男 ID: 102607972
I love Kimchi
    $PayPal(PYPL.US)$ Short term pain for long term gains. These guys are not going away anytime soon, if ever ( although one must always be careful with words like forever & ever ).
    $迪士尼(DIS.US)$ Bob Iger was one of the Best CEO Ever and I hope that continues with Bob Chapek. Post Covid 19, Disney will be running on all cylinders parks, movies, streaming etc. Disney will be $200 again. Never underestimate the mouse.
    $辉瑞(PFE.US)$ Omicron is fairly harmless. But the facts don’t matter. The problem is power hungry bureaucrats who have been empowered by the pandemic narrative to exact increasingly ratcheting control over the population and businesses. They never had this power and have become addicted to it. Facts be damned, use the media to enforce the narrative of
    Fear by endlessly reporting on daily case numbers and other useless information. If anyone questions this, tell them it is in the interest of public
    Health. Who is opposed to
    Public Health?
    All taken from the dictator handbook 101: build a narrative, enforce fear, use the media, limit movement/transport, install curfews, limit people getting together.
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ Yeah!! Just get those $35-$50k new cars, dont worry, you can finance it for 0% 72 mo, no biggie, come'on, consume you fuedal serfs.
    In 5-10 yrs we will wonder where do we dispose of batteries just like we are sitting on rotting nuclear warheads, hog tied by environmentals and bad engineering policy by the Gooberment.
    $蔚来(NIO.US)$ $小鹏汽车(XPEV.US)$ 是强大而富有创新精神的竞争对手。NIO 的 BaaS 我可以改变游戏规则。有意思的是 $大众汽车(ADR)(VWAGY.US)$ 包括斯柯达和奥迪在内,目前是欧洲最大的电动汽车销售商。
    $标普500指数(.SPX.US)$ The market can't be stopped.
    Just like the Patriots
    Biden = Bill Belichick
    $英伟达(NVDA.US)$ After my recent epiphany concerning the Metaverse/Omniverse, I am a buyer. I am now searching for more names in this space.
    $SPDR 标普500指数ETF(SPY.US)$ Do I believe that we have an inflation problem? We just had our natural gas furnace go out in our house. Called a heating contractor to give us a repair estimate. It's the same contractor with which we have built a good rapport, because he is the one who provides our yearly service/tuneups.
    Now, it turns out that the control board (CCA) has a problem, and is often the case, they don't have the means to repair it, so it would have to be replaced. Because of age and the cost of the board, we opted for an upgrade/full furnace replacement.
    Then comes the quote.
    He said that he usually gets one price increase at the first of the year, but THIS YEAR HE HAD 5 INCREASES FROM THE MANUFACTURER.
    I could cite a dozen similar examples we have dealt with recently.
    Yeah, I think we have a serious inflation problem.
    我两者都有 $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ 比例为 2:1。这两家优秀的汽车制造商都对我的投资组合有利。我会继续在这两个基础上再接再厉,因为我看到一些下跌而且我有现金。
    $英伟达(NVDA.US)$ 股票拆分为价格上涨创造了奇迹。它引起了极大的兴趣,现在仍然如此。很多人都渴望分一杯羹。随着势头的增长,风险也在增长,但我相信NVDA将在未来3-4个月内达到400美元。下一份收益报告将向我们展示进入2022年的道路。
    我持有我的股票,我不会卖出它们... 让我们看看会发生什么,但按照这种速度,我们可能会在未来12-16个月内达到1万亿。