Who? A lot countries have been quietly stacking up so not sure what you mean even China.. Do you think Trump won’t want to be dominant with his America First Agenda? and Trump self-credit himself for hitting 100k for BTC on his X tweets. I would like to hear your opinions though if it is different.
geezgeez 楼主 73038088 : 你对二月份有何预期?我也在关注那个时期。
geezgeez 楼主 Sg-Jin : 美元+比特币...它们可以共存以维持美国的主导地位,是吗?
geezgeez 楼主 102514703 : 没有人可以确切预测,但让我们管理好预期,他不会在就职典礼期间宣布这样的储备 - 我只知道情绪对持有加密货币的国会有利,比特币不会消失 - 价格总是会上下波动,但总是会更高(只是我们能等多久)。让我们看看。
geezgeez 楼主 2xTrader : 我们可能会看到股票图表上的缺口填补下跌,所以如果你想要持有,就得闭上眼睛等到接下来的几个月。
geezgeez 楼主 102 : Who? A lot countries have been quietly stacking up so not sure what you mean even China.. Do you think Trump won’t want to be dominant with his America First Agenda? and Trump self-credit himself for hitting 100k for BTC on his X tweets. I would like to hear your opinions though if it is different.