
ForgottenXI 男 ID: 102805956
    ForgottenXI 评论了
    自从在美国和新加坡推出以来,Moomoo已迅速成为当地投资者中受欢迎的科技驱动型经纪平台。在美国,moomoo已经引起了成熟和散户投资者的共鸣,其功能强大且用户友好的工具甚至能够指导专业交易者做出更明智的决策。今年,moomoo获得了美国领先的财经网站Investing Simple颁发的 “2021年最佳活跃交易应用程序” 奖,还获得了2021年Benzinga奖的 “最佳交易技术” 和 “最佳投资研究技术” 提名。
    澳大利亚标志着 moomoo 的下一站。凭借在美国和新加坡的成功,moomoo有望在澳大利亚开辟一个全新的市场,为当地投资者带来独特的投资体验。
    关于 Moomoo
    Moomoo将自己定位为下一代一站式投资平台,该平台整合了投资交易、最新新闻、实时市场数据和活跃的交易社区。Moomoo的使命是为各个级别的投资者提供一个直观而强大的投资平台。Moomoo 利用深厚的技术研发能力和面向未来的运营模式,不断改善用户体验并推动全行业创新。欲了解更多信息,请访问官方网站 www.moomoo.com/au.
    $Ocugen(OCGN.US)$ 不管有什么好消息... 很难回升 10 美元及以上
    $Altimeter Growth Corp(AGC.US)$ lai 把 25% 的自提折扣带回来 kthxbye
    $福特汽车(F.US)$ 想请问下
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ 这是我最好的猜测是谁干的。他们拥有迄今为止最高效的电动汽车技术。我认为他们也是苹果在设计方面值得信赖的公司。
    $福特汽车(F.US)$ 鉴于他们刚刚聘请了之前领导苹果设计的道格·菲尔德,这将是另一个合乎逻辑的猜测。
    但是对我来说,房间里的大象就是这样 $苹果(AAPL.US)$ 会想把所有的利润都留给自己,因此没有人愿意为他们制造汽车。苹果在汽车方面的努力让我想起了塞恩菲尔德的一集,当时克莱默和纽曼试图创办人力车生意:“调整自己的节奏,因为你必须长时间工作,薪水很少。”
    $Ocugen(OCGN.US)$ 慢慢地失去了我对这个份额的希望。如果这是美国产品,我相信现在应该是三位数。
    Asia stocks set for steady open; Yields, dollar up
    Asian stocks looked set for a steady start Wednesday as traders weigh a climb in Wall Street shares, Treasury yields and the dollar amid robust U.S. economic data and more calls for tighter monetary policy.
    Futures for Japan rose, while Hong Kong's dipped. Australia slipped at the open. U.S. futures fluctuated after equities extended their rally overnight, buoyed by robust retail sales and factory output and generally solid reports from Walmart and Home Depot. But concerns linger that high inflation could eventually bite, and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard called for more hawkish monetary policy.
    JPMorgan says tech investment to power 2022 market
    Stock investors looking to 2022 should keep technology in mind not just as a growth play, but as the engine for better profit margins across the whole market, says David Lebovitz of JPMorgan Asset Management.
    Investors next year are likely to see "investment spending kick in as a key driver of economic growth," the firm's global market strategist said in an interview Tuesday on Bloomberg TV's Surveillance. "A lot of that has to do with technology."
    Day traders pile into EV stocks even as Tesla sells off
    Retail investors bought $378 million in shares of electric-vehicle carmakers over the past week, including high-flying $Rivian Automotive(RIVN.US)$ and $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$, and also $福特汽车(F.US)$, according to data compiled by Vanda Research.
    Rivian in particular has been a focus since its initial public offering, as the stock has doubled its $78 IPO price and the company now sports a market value of around $150 billion, which is more than Volkswagen AG.
    Retail sales rose by 1.7% in October despite high inflation
    American consumers withstood rising inflation to power a strong start to the holiday shopping season, with big retailers reporting higher sales and expectations for a solid finish to the year.
    Sales at U.S. retail stores, online sellers, and restaurants rose by a seasonally adjusted 1.7% in October compared with the previous month, the Commerce Department said. Consumers continued their stepped-up spending despite continued Covid-19 fears and inflation concerns.
    Walmart falls behind soaring Home Depot in market value
    $沃尔玛(WMT.US)$ has fallen behind $家得宝(HD.US)$ in market value despite having much higher revenue. Home Depot climbed 4.5%, while Walmart fell 2.1% on Tuesday.
    The shift reflects investors' growing concerns about Walmart this year, even as $好市多(COST.US)$, $塔吉特(TGT.US)$ and $克罗格(KR.US)$ have outpaced the broader U.S. stock market. After Walmart stock posted double-digit returns last year and in 2019, the shares have stagnated amid questions about its prospects for long-term growth.
    Qualcomm hits record high after it tells investors it will grow without Apple
    $高通(QCOM.US)$ stock closed up 7.9% Tuesday after it issued bullish forecasts at an investor’s conference in New York. Qualcomm is best known as a supplier of wireless chips and processors for mobile phones but said on Tuesday that it had diversified its business.
    Qualcomm currently supplies wireless connectivity chips for $苹果(AAPL.US)$’s devices but Qualcomm said it predicts it will only supply 20% of the modem chips needed for the 2023 iPhone.
    JPMorgan sues Tesla for $162m over Musk's 'funding secured' tweet
    $摩根大通(JPM.US)$ has sued Tesla for $162m, alleging that the automaker failed to make a required payment that was triggered after chief executive Elon Musk's 2018 announcement that he was considering taking the company private.
    Netflix begins reporting viewer numbers for its biggest hits
    $奈飞(NFLX.US)$ will begin regularly reporting viewership numbers for its top programmes and films, a major shift in strategy for the streaming company that has carefully guarded its data over the past decade.
    The company said it will report every week how many hours people spent watching its top 10 TV shows and movies, for both English and non-English titles, including Netflix originals and content licensed from third parties.
    Source: Bloomberg, WSJ, CNBC, Financial Times
    Wall Street Today | Day traders pile into EV stocks; Rivian has been a focus