
Newbie1070 女 ID: 102826442
Life is short when u have 💰💰💰
    Newbie1070 评论了
    $APAC 产业 (CLN.SG)$
    难道没有任何apac 产业的股东收到这封信吗?
    apac 产业的报价函
    $微软 (MSFT.US)$ $亚马逊 (AMZN.US)$ If you are a first time investor, especially a young investor, it is very easy to fall in the trap of buying the stock that your friend, relative, or a stranger on internet recommended. Just because someone made 1000% gains on something doesn't mean you are going to make that.
    Remember, that the faster any asset climbs up the faster it comes down like a house of cards. If it had no resistance going up, there is no support going down and when such stocks crack, they fall through the roof in a matter of hours, not even days.
    Pick up a book and learn the basics of Finance. Fundamentals will help you get a handle of how to start valuing a company. While Technical charts play a role in short to medium term movements of the stock, long term is always going to be based on Fundamentals.
    Needless to say, if you are investing in Crpto be extremely conservative. 10% of your portfolio is too much. Anything more than that, and you lose your hard earned savings very quickly if things go south.
    I understand there is a Euphoria when you make quick money, but derivatives like Futures and Options are sure shot way of getting screwed if you don't know what you are doing. Everyone has an itch to make a lot of money in a short period of time, but trust me, losing your original investment is one the worst feeling you can ever have if you earned that money by working hard.
    If you don't know anything at all about investing and want to start putting some money into an investment account, buy a broad market based ETF like SPY or QQQ on a regular basis. Think $100-$200-$500/month. Time in the market is always going to beat timing the market.
    Lastly, as Warren Buffett said - Rule 1: Never lose money and Rule 2: Never forget Rule 1.
    TL;DR: Don't invest blindly in Stocks that some friend/stranger recommended you. Efforts to make money quickly on Stocks, Crpto, or Derivatives (Futures and Options) without understanding the fundamentals and risks, will make you lose your hard earned money and your shirt. If you don't know anything about investing, buy broad market based ETF like SPY and QQQ on a regular basis.
    他的一项巨额投资获得了丰厚的回报。2014 年,科比购买了 10% 的股份 防弹衣,佳得乐的竞争对手,售价600万美元。
    上周, $可口可乐 (KO.US)$ 宣布收购了BodyArmor的全部所有权,支付了56亿美元的现金,使BodyArmor估值约80亿美元。该公司在2018年收购了少数股权。
    按照这个估值,科比的10%投资今天估计价值约8亿美元。 这使他的回报从600万美元增至8亿美元,在不到八年的时间里增长了约13,222%。
    Just deposited couples of min ago, yet to see the funds in my account. Previously the funds is in almost immediately. What cause the changes:( Should just use my fund in Tiger trade
    Newbie1070 评论了
    $戴尔科技 (DELL.US)$ 我们会得到吗 $威睿 (VMW.US)$股票存入我们的富途账户?
    Newbie1070 评论了
    $戴尔科技 (DELL.US)$ 我真的不明白发生了什么,我知道Vmware的事情有影响。但是为什么股价下跌这么多,这意味着我们损失很大吗?
    I'm posting a past post of mine for a little sharing. Just a brief one....
    Depend on the trading preference & strategy you preferred, it can categorize into 4 main types. But i will combine 2 to 1 for brief sharing.
    1. Scalping/Day trade - trading in a smaller time frame with a high volatility movement and a smaller R/R ratio. Normally involves multiple long or short trades per day.
    2. Swing/Position trade - trading in a longer time frame with strategy that involves support & resistance testing. Normally one/a few trades per month with a bigger R/R ratio.
    Thus, depending on your trading preference, your Entry / Exit will largely depend on which type mentioned above,  combining with the strategies used, market sentiments,  announcements by company & 1 or more indicators (eg. MACD,RSI,etc) for confirmation.
    Always start off with paper trading for practice. Learn new strategies and apply in paper trade. Back test your strategies for confirmation of what is working and what not. (keep a record)
    Never jump into live trade with little or no experience, as you are just like placing a casio bet, hoping to win OR LOOSE IT ALL. Learn how to invest & not betting your luck.
    I have posted some sharing on Risk Management,  u may be interested.
    Always has Patience in your investment. Invest in a few good trades is better than a few hundreds 'betting' trades.
    Lastly, a little advice to new "players"(eg. people without CDP account) stepping into the trading 'dimension' (colorful at 1st but will turn into a black hole if u not careful)
    Before start trading
    1. At least read up/watch YT on the type of trade u r interested.
    2. At least know 50% of the functions on the platform (eg. mobile app) u using.
    3. Know all the type of charges incur in a trade (BUY & SELL) for different platforms.
    4. Learn to see a chart, know what info u can extract. Know what info a indicator can show.
    5. Do paper trading for practice.
    Mmmm...if u read this far, i guess u r still interested to dive into the abyss.  Let continue....
    When u think you are ready to trade
    1. Get a reliable broker/securities firm/online platform to begin with. This is important depending on the type of trade u choose.
    2. Start off with a safe/steady/well known stock for your 1st 'encounter '. DO NOT start off with a so called popular/recommended/tip stock.
    3. Know what is Risk Management,  at least know how to set a Stop Loss before pressing the BUY.
    4. don't think big, THINK SMALL.
    a) start off with a small order ($500-1k)
    b) take profit when hit 3-5%, even u think it can go 10% more.
    - be VERY consistent on (a) & (b) for at least a few months.
    5. During this few months, continue to learn on how to trade, equip more knowledge. (if u r still surviving & persistent)
    6. If u have a bad trade day, lost one/a few trades. DO NOT continue,  thinking u will get back on the next trade & double up your order.
    Go watch YT or sleep or exercise.
    Opp....my post too long,  got to stop here. Have a great trading journey.
    PS: a like on the post is much appreciated,  thank u.
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