
102854491_bell 女 ID: 102854491
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ HF所做的只是让即日交易者致富,直到该让猿人致富。他们不妨解决这个问题。因为我们不卖。我知道这些富人并没有把所有东西都关在里面。他们需要把它搞定然后继续前进。
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ I’m going to share my take on this new covid variant from what I’ve gathered and analyse. Pls know that I’m not an expert, so merely sharing my view on the situation. So far omicron symptoms are very mild, like any other simple ailments and it hasn’t been found on people who are already vaccinated. I’m guessing the vaccine works effectively on it but the actual testing and diagnosis will be out in 2 weeks time.
    The claim that omicron has mutated from copying aids virus is just that for now, a claim. The reason why this news was blown out of proportion is very likely due to a tactical move from the US Government to bring down oil prices by making use of this news. by associating that it with aids, which is known to break down immune system, it would undoubtedly create panic but this is not proven. moreover virus do not have awareness, they do not simply learn the most effective method. Also virus optimal objective is always to try to take over but also coexist with its host, becoming more and more lethal to kill its hosts is not an efficient way to survive for it.
    So I think while stocks with direct impact like travel related ones will continue to fall in the coming weeks, the other will hover for now or even start to climb again until the result of omicron’s finding is released. i will be selling my only travel stock, AAL and holding the rest for now, especially LCID. I see almost no impact of this news on LCID, Friday dropped was simply initial shock by the news, evident by the eventual climb after that.
    Lastly, anything can happen, so be vigilant and analyse on your part too and make your own decision. Neither me or anyone else will be responsible for anything at the end of the day. ok, good luck, all.
    Lou 只是一个知道一些东西的人,但他从不向你展示任何一无所知的证据。
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 早上好 moomoos!在得克萨斯州,今天是黑暗而沉闷的一天,市场上似乎是血腥的一天。设置警报,不要观察红色是否会让你感到紧张。我今天有很多事情要做,所以,每个人都过一个愉快的感恩节。我希望它充满了家庭、爱和欢笑。对于所有明天没有假期的人,愿你们都度过一个愉快的星期四,并尝试做一段时间以来从未做过的事情。爱我的猿人家族!!!
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ When everyone thinks the drop is unreasonable,it then will raise back to its reasonable level,be patient
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ Damn it, should had set my last buy price at $43 instead of $42.50, missed just by that bit more. Could had easily be earning a few thousands more. Haha! That's life, never regret in the stock market, always accept the fact and move on. I guess everyone is happy right now, even those who keep scolding others for selling their shares. But seriously, we peasants have no effect on the overall market sentiment at all. Why grumble at those who sell just becos they want to maximise their profits? Are we not here to make money? Or are you here to find camaraderie amongst? If the latter, joining army, police or any uniform group will suit you better.
    Everyone has their own strategies, be more gracious and understand that we are just following the market trending. Does it benefit us to bigotly hold on to the shares even when we know that the price is going to fall sharply, rather than sell them and buy back at a much lower price to reap more profits? Those who believe that they must not sell, sure. Hold on to your belief but don't belittle others for your own belief.
    And please don't give stupid advise that it will always go up and never fall, esp after a huge surge! It is against the nature of stock trading and we should know this just by using our brain. I saw one guy advising another to buy when the price is at $60. I usually don't like to comment on others' but I really find this guy very irresponsible. The other guy actually replied that he had listened and bought in at that price. He could had waited for the pull back and buy at a much more attractive price and already making a profit, rather than still incurring losses now. If you do not understand the market trend well, don't dish out any unsound advice. We are talking about others' hard earned money. Ok, once again, let's look forward to the next good news.