
PirateyAhoy 保密 ID: 102924722
Research driven, hunter of strong moat businesses
    Never would I have expected this beaten down stock to almost double on me, but...that's why it is important to do your homework!
    will this be a 10-bagger?
    Happy Anniversary MooMoo!
    Being in your ecosystem this year has added a new dimension to my investing experience!
    The social element and hearing from other opinions has brought me new insights and deeper thinking into $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ and $阿里巴巴 (BABA.US)$, at the root of it, I know that I look for strong stable businesses...yet learning about other ones has enlarged my view of the market as a whole!
    Thank you and congratulations once again!
    Do you have the patience to watch paint dry? The best businesses are not the ones making huge jumps and then being dead for a long time...the great businesses do unappreciated, yet crucial work on a daily basis!
    So...if you find a business with great cash flows, little or no debt and a good moat, all you have to do is buy in at a good price and hold it! Look at $3M (MMM.US)$ or $好市多 (COST.US)$ so unassuming, yet the products that they make or service they provide are extremely invaluable! I love "old school" businesses for their steady, predictable cashflows!
    Some principles I am learning...
    1) Watch the volume traded, and the size of the trades, these give an indication of where the money is flowing and can help you to identify the momentum...of the false signals
    2) Don't get sucked in by false signals, follow proper trading principles...establish your stop-loss positions first and size your trades properly... don't jump in and get sucked up by the momentum going down
    3) if day trading, use the hourly and 15min charts properly...
    4) for slightly longer, candlesticks and moving averages are your friends...establish the direction and the momentum, before you put in any trades...
    Short term trading has to be disciplined if you want to make money
    我的简单论点是,优秀的公司可以经受住任何风暴,无论是政治、经济还是其他风暴... 因此,我正在从中国积累市场领先的优秀、实力雄厚的公司... 我看到来自美国的恐惧情绪很多,但我确实感觉到中国和亚洲有更多的机会!现金流仍然强劲,这些地区的疫情管理得更好
    My most important habit is to slow myself down and ask relevant questions of a stock I am going to buy...for example...
    Asking myself:
    1) Am I happy with the value of this business?
    2) Will I be ok if the price falls 50%?
    3) Is this a long term value play? or a gamble?
    + other questions...
    当埃隆进行他的投票后 $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ 投票后然后抛售...人们意识到他们得到了多么不公平的交易?
    A mentor once reminded me after an investment loss...the market is like getting a green light because over time, the market goes up because businesses grow, so just like driving...we can simply coast along, enjoying the view
    Occasionally, we get the amber/yellow caution light where we have to be cautious...
    But the most important function of the stoplight is the RED light, as it literally saves lives but making us stop before we venture into dangerous territory.
    It was a great story that I have remembered til now. I put in a stop-loss into every trade, based on my valuation or technical chart calculations BEFORE I execute a trade.
    Setting a stop-loss allows me to minimize losses and redeploy money out of losers and into winners
    But just like in
    I have lost money due to tips from friends, and due to "fantastic news!" from insiders or someone who knows someone!
    Yet, on the other hand, I also have investments that I have held for over 15 years...which have paid dividends and multiplied several times the invested value already
    I see the short term mistakes as the price to pay for not being disciplined and doing my homework. But the good thing is that those mistakes are small and they have taught me lessons on how to do proper valuations and to understand the fundamentals of a business.
    Learning how to value a business is much more useful in investing than following stock picks, at the end of the day, we are buying a business NOT a ticker price.
    Painful lessons are useless if we ignore the pain, but extremely valuable when we learn from it