under rules of MMF cash fund, it said can be redeemed immediately to trade stock but apparently it is nonsense. i have to wait for two days for the amount to be credited to my account only can trade stock. can moomoo clarify this?! beware guys, if u plan to invest in this MMF cash fund.
$United USD Cash Fund-Class R (MYU0100A8420.MF)$
this fund cannot redeem directly to trade stock, need wait amount to be credited only can trade! beware guys!
this fund cannot redeem directly to trade stock, need wait amount to be credited only can trade! beware guys!
Keo11 楼主 Moomoo Buddy : 如果使用保证金,那么将会收取利息吗?那有什么意义呢?
Keo11 楼主 Moomoo Buddy : 请问如何打开您所提到的保证金功能?