$理想汽车 (LI.US)$ 我的消息来源告诉我,理想汽车已经停止了生产,因为上海的固特异工厂无法向理想汽车提供轮胎。固特异工厂当地政府冻结了他们的社区,不让任何卡车出入。这导致理想汽车的装配线出现了重大问题。他们在销售方面每天损失3000万美元,现金流跟着会更糟,因为最终的装配工厂仍需要支付他们的工厂工人和供应商。这种情况可能会持续1到2周,如果当地情况没有改善,情况可能会变得更糟。
根据中国法律,他们可以对一家公司罚款的最高金额是上一年销售额的10%,这意味着最多可以罚款500亿美元。然而实际上,阿里巴巴很不可能被罚款超过销售总额的1%,因为在中国的公司历史上从未发生过这种情况。听起来中国政府是在展示对马云的权威。很可能一些主要合作伙伴/股东将不得不放弃企业的控制权,而不是遭受巨额的罚款。 这个"调查"所带来的市场后果已经超过了预期。
根据中国法律,他们可以对一家公司罚款的最高金额是上一年销售额的10%,这意味着最多可以罚款500亿美元。然而实际上,阿里巴巴很不可能被罚款超过销售总额的1%,因为在中国的公司历史上从未发生过这种情况。听起来中国政府是在展示对马云的权威。很可能一些主要合作伙伴/股东将不得不放弃企业的控制权,而不是遭受巨额的罚款。 这个"调查"所带来的市场后果已经超过了预期。
$Zoom视频通讯 (ZM.US)$
看起来我们正在看到407美元的支撑位。 股票将在这里漂浮一段时间。 等到下一个收益报告将股票推向一个新的水平。 这次锁定期结束导致很多用户情绪转为付费而不是免费享用Zm服务。 如果没有流行病,有机增长应将股票定价在370-380美元。
看起来我们正在看到407美元的支撑位。 股票将在这里漂浮一段时间。 等到下一个收益报告将股票推向一个新的水平。 这次锁定期结束导致很多用户情绪转为付费而不是免费享用Zm服务。 如果没有流行病,有机增长应将股票定价在370-380美元。
$美国航空 (AAL.US)$
刚刚过去的国会法案对航空股是一个大的利好。 不过这个消息已经基本在股价中反应出来了。 一般来说, 利好的地方是可以阻止进一步的下跌。
航空股里我还是看好小公司, 比如HAL和JBUL, 从balancesheet的角度而言, 得利最大得是 Alaska airline and HAL
I am more interested in Alaska Airline and Hawiee Airline, the smaller ones are normally benefited most from subsisdize on balance sheet. Meanwhile, these 2 has better seat ratio for current market since both states has less covid-19 case and attract to travelers. At the point of recover, they will be best to pick up customers. further more they are good for take over by PE or larger airlines
刚刚过去的国会法案对航空股是一个大的利好。 不过这个消息已经基本在股价中反应出来了。 一般来说, 利好的地方是可以阻止进一步的下跌。
航空股里我还是看好小公司, 比如HAL和JBUL, 从balancesheet的角度而言, 得利最大得是 Alaska airline and HAL
I am more interested in Alaska Airline and Hawiee Airline, the smaller ones are normally benefited most from subsisdize on balance sheet. Meanwhile, these 2 has better seat ratio for current market since both states has less covid-19 case and attract to travelers. At the point of recover, they will be best to pick up customers. further more they are good for take over by PE or larger airlines
$KNOT Offshore (KNOP.US)$
Meanwhile, seeing other stocks going up on Xmas rally. The lost time value is what one needs to think about
Meanwhile, seeing other stocks going up on Xmas rally. The lost time value is what one needs to think about
$西方石油 (OXY.US)$鉴于市场情绪的改变,人们必须卖盘OXY股票期货还需要跌到多低才能达到市场底部。由于OXY没有盈利,那么唯一可以考虑的近似因素就是市销率(P/S)。OXY的市销率区间为0.41-0.72,平均为0.57....... 不过目前市场的市销率为0.95,已经严重超买。在我看来,考虑到明年销售额仍将下降,市销率应该在0.7或更低的位置。这意味着健康的市场估值应该在15-16美元之间。那些仍然持有该股票的人会看到股价进一步下跌。这不是市场纠正,而是对被炒作过度的单一股票的纠正!...
$西方石油 (OXY.US)$
For those still believing kicking out of SP100 is only marginal, I have to say you are so naïve on market sentiment. The stock will be going to 16-17 at year end before it pull back to 20 level. Yes, it may reach to a new high at mid 20s sometime next year if all kind of demanding will lift the gas price. However the expectation is already priced into the stock and it was even hyped with overjoy.
My suggestion will be sell now before it went all the way to 16 Pick it up again sometime next year after market makes a correction!...
For those still believing kicking out of SP100 is only marginal, I have to say you are so naïve on market sentiment. The stock will be going to 16-17 at year end before it pull back to 20 level. Yes, it may reach to a new high at mid 20s sometime next year if all kind of demanding will lift the gas price. However the expectation is already priced into the stock and it was even hyped with overjoy.
My suggestion will be sell now before it went all the way to 16 Pick it up again sometime next year after market makes a correction!...