awesome new changes to Moo Moo!
Moo Moo is an excellent trading platform. A few suggestions I would like to be considered are the ability for crypto trading and possibly crypto wallets for those trades. As cryptos gain popularity, it's important for active traders to consider adding them to their portfolios.
Additional suggestions would include NTF's. With the popularity of NFT's increasing, the option to create, trade and sell would be good for those that wish to look toward this potential investment for their portfolio.
lastly, more access to U.S. based IPO's.
Thanks for the ability to provide some input for consideration!
Additional suggestions would include NTF's. With the popularity of NFT's increasing, the option to create, trade and sell would be good for those that wish to look toward this potential investment for their portfolio.
lastly, more access to U.S. based IPO's.
Thanks for the ability to provide some input for consideration!
Searched both online and within app but am finding conflicting information in regards to subscribing to an ipo. One online moo moo link states a purchase minimum of 20 to 50 shares, depending on offering and another link states a minimum of $630 to subscribe to an ipo. Does anyone have any definitive information or links to find out minimums? (I.E. minimum account balance of $100, minimum subscription of $100, etc?) Thanks all!